Game Update 7.1: Digging Deeper
Game Update 7.1: Digging Deeper
Due to various item changes, all the GTN auctions will be marked as expired. These items will be returned to players' character mailbox which listed the sale. They can be relisted normally after the maintenance. More information in this post.
- Item removal has been pushed until the next update. GTN sales will remain active.
- Story Update - Digging Deeper - Uncover a glimpse of Darth Malgus’s mysterious plans. In this new update, players will learn more about Malgus’s fascination with Darth Nul, as well as the fate of Sa’har Kateen, the Jedi Padawan he dueled in the ancient ruins of Elom.
- R-4 Anomaly Operation - Team up with your friends and take on members of an obscure Sith cult set on harvesting technology from an ancient weapon of terrifying power. Power yourself up all the way to Item Rating 340! Additional information here
- Manaan Daily Area - Explore the depths of Manaan in our new Daily Area! Expand your faction’s influence with all new story and daily quests, new achievements, and a new reputation track, including new rewards and titles.
- Class balance - Several changes have been made for a better balance across all the Combat Styles.
- New tacticals - Four new Tactical items are available at the Supplies vendor on the Republic and Imperial Fleets.
- User Interface enhancements - To improve player experience, we’ve made changes to the Character Window, Weapons in Outfitter, and combat style icons, as well as added customization options to chat and subtitles.
- Power Increase - New Item Ratings of gear have been added to Upgrade Vendors on the Fleet. Increase your power up to Item Rating 330 by completing Conquests, Flashpoints, and Legacy Operations. More information in this forum post.
- Nar Shaddaa Nightlife - The Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event is back! Beginning with the launch of 7.1 through September 13th (12:00 PM UTC), test your luck at one of our casinos and earn the new High Roller Weapons!
- Increased the number of Guild Commendations given when a Guild meets their Conquest Target:
- Small Yield Rewards 80 (up from 70)
- Medium Yield Rewards 90 (up from 80)
- Large Yield Rewards 100 (up from 90)
- Added more options to customize subtitles. Amongst the new options, players can now do the following:
- Increase the subtitles scale further than you could previously.
- Change the color of the text
- Add a background and change its color
- Rested Experience now correctly increases when a character is logged out in a rest zone.
- It is now possible to see weapons when inspecting a character in the Outfit Designer.
- Augments now function in level shifted content, with their stats scaling appropriately.
- Alacrity, Accuracy and Shield Chance are no longer scaled by the level shift system outside of PvP.
- The Field Respecialization Legacy Perk now appears as an unlock option in the Character window for eligible players.
- Improved the visibility of the materials received in the Deconstruction window.
- Updated the colors of the Level and Class in the Character Selection screen to increase readability.
- A new Loadout is no longer created when closing the Loadout window while creating a new one.
- The Loadout Character preview is now updated when selecting different Loadouts.
- NPCs and item names no longer exceed the header section of the Loot window.
- There is no longer a circle when hovering the mouse over the Loadout button of the Character Sheet window.
- Equipped tunings are now properly displayed when previewing characters from the Character Sheet window.
- Fixed an issue where Tacticals of players with 15 empty inventory slots were swapped with ship equipment or sent via mail when changing Loadouts.
- Preview window controls have been added to the Character Sheet window. It is now possible to move around the character and toggle between idle and combat stance.
- The next and previous buttons in the Outfitter window now work correctly.
- Armor pieces are now colored immediately after a dye module is applied.
- The “weapon not equipped” error message is no longer displayed even if the player equips a weapon.
- Fixed overlap issues in the Loot window.
- The currency tab no longer shows the PvP Season Tokens if the player does not possess any.
- Fixed several typos within the game.
- Fixed several sound effects issues within the game.
- Currency bags now correctly mention the new name of the currencies.
- The environment no longer disappears when moving the camera in the following locations:
- Satellite Control Tower Level 2 area of Balmorra
- North-western side of the Upper Promenade on Nar Shaddaa
- Imperial Turrets are no longer floating at the entrance of the Imperial Lodgment on Belsavis.
- Equipped relics no longer display the upgraded item icon (green arrow) in the Quickbar.
- Fixed an issue where Abilities were not added to the Quickbar of boosted characters.
- Customizations are locked and cannot be changed when going back to the “Choose your origin story” screen, as intended.
- The Gunslinger’s animation is now correctly displayed in the Origin Story screen of the Character Creation window.
- Renamed the Guild Perk “Operations Profiteer” to “Operations Smuggling”.
- Players wielding two weapons can no longer unequip their main hand weapon while being polymorphed.
- Weapons with the special visual effect “On fire” no longer trigger the animation when the character uses Abilities that do not require the weapon.
- Anniversary vendors now sell Galactic Starfighter paint jobs based on factions.
- There is no longer a “Subscribe now to start building your stronghold today!” message when a subscriber interacts with the following Strongholds in the Stronghold Directory:
- Carrick Station Penthouse
- Vaiken Spacedock Penthouse
Cartel Market
- The Cartel Market window is now always available when Syndicate Plans are turned in while the Welcome window is open.
- Fixed the following issues on the Baby Progenitor Feeding Tank decoration:
- There is no longer a floating piece when activating the crane on the Baby Progenitor Feeding Tank
- Fixed the texture issue on the exterior walls of the Baby Progenitor Feeding Tank
- Players are no longer stuck between the crate and fence of the Baby Progenitor Feeding Tank
- The Reforged AD-1 Assault Cannon is now correctly listed on the Cartel Market and Collection visuals of the “10th Anniversary Reforged Weapons Set”.
Items + Economy
- Following 7.0 changes to Itemization, we’re removing the Tactical items listed below from vendors and characters’ inventories. The items will be converted to 6,595 credits upon the player logging in after 7.1 maintenance.
- Sonic Heal
- Missile Backblast
- Fixed the following issues on Valkorion’s Armor Set:
- Fixed a visual issue on Valkorion’s right boot while in combat stance on Body Type 1.
- Valkorion’s Gauntlets no longer stretch with the character’s weapon when in combat stance.
- Fixed texture and clipping issues on the Steadfast Master’s Wraps for all body types.
- Fixed a texture issue on the Apprentice Pummeler’s Greaves MK-2.
- Fixed an issue where animations trigger visual issues on the Midnight Racer’s Chestguard for all body types.
- The Arctic Trooper’s Helmet now has voice modulation.
- Defiant Asylum Helmet MK-26 now correctly hides hair when equipped on Male and Female Republic characters.
- Updated the Locked and Loaded Package tooltip
- Updated the Vicious Thirst Legendary item tooltip to clarify its effect:
- “Dealing damage with Vicious Slash, Massacre and Sweeping Slash adds a Vicious Thirst stack to their target, stacking up to 5 times. Killing an enemy with Vicious Thirst stacks increases your damage by 3% per stack for 10 seconds."
- Bag of Daily Matrices’ tooltip now correctly mentions “Daily Resource Matrices” instead of “Aquatic Resource Matrices”.
- Removed the mention of Amplifiers from the Amplifier Champion’s tooltip to avoid confusion as this system was removed with 7.0.
- Weapons on the GTN now correctly display damage in their tooltip.
- Updated the description of the following items to correctly mention those can be found at the Spoils of War vendors on Fleets:
- RPM-13
- OEM-37
- Updated the icon of the following items to make them easier to distinguish:
- Valkorion’s Crown
- Valkorion’s Gauntlets
- Added icons for the Bounty Hunter version of the Hutta Battler Armor Set.
- Updated the icons of the Trooper version of the Mantellian Protector Armor Set.
- Removed the unusable Galactic Command Crates from the game.
- Opening Grade 10 Treasure Hunting Lockboxes before Level 80 no longer drop Level 80 items.
- Items from Onslaught Equipment Caches no longer contain Amplifiers.
- Renamed the “Bag of Daily Matrices” to “Bag of Daily Resource Matrices”.
- The Tionese gear pieces now display the proper visuals based on the player’s faction.
- Restored the Legendary Implants color scheme for readability:
- Red - Critical
- Green - Alacrity
- Yellow - Accuracy
- Blue - Tank Stats
- Decreased the cost of Legendary Implants for Alt.
- Unlock the new Legacy of the Sith Achievements for upgrading two Legendary Implants up to Item Rating 330 and Item Rating 334. Once unlocked, SN-4RK will reduce the cost of lower Item Rating Implants and Implant Upgrades for reduced Conquest Commendations (60, down from 100) and Tech Fragments (2500, down from 6500). More information here.
- Adjusted the stat distribution of Premium and Prototype gear at Item Rating 328 and higher.
- Added mods at Item Rating 328 and 330.
- Visit Hyde and Zeek near the modification vendors in the Supplies section of the Fleet. Hyde and Zeek will require players to obtain and deconstruct items at Item Rating 328 and 330 to unlock purchasable mods at those Item Ratings respectively. More information here.
- Increased the Power Ceiling, players can now obtain the following new Item Ratings (more details here):
- Noble Decurion Gear – 330 (up from 326)
- Elite Decurion Gear – 330 (up from 324)
- Supreme Decurion Gear – 330 (up from 326)
- Tionese Gear – 330 (up from 322)
- Columi Gear – 330 (up from 326)
- Thyrsian Gear – 328 (up from 326)
- Legendary Implants – 334 (up from 330)
- Added vanity versions of the leveling gear to Planetary vendors to allow players to pick and choose the looks for themselves and their companions, regardless of Origin Story or Combat Style.
Combat Styles
- Added the following new Tactical items to the Supplies vendor on the Fleet:
- Commando - Combat Medic / Mercenary - Bodyguard:
- Kolto Vapors
- The Kolto Pods left by Kolto Missile / Kolto Bomb last a second longer and heal for an additional 5%.
- Kolto Vapors
- Sentinel - Combat / Marauder - Carnage
- Shard of Mortis
- Dealing damage with Massacre / Blade Rush grants a stack of Hyper, up to a max of 3. For each stack, your critical hit chance increases by 25% and the rage / focus cost of your next Massacre / Blade Rush increases by 1. Hyper lasts 6 seconds and ends after dealing damage with an ability that isn't Massacre / Blade Rush, generating 1 rage / focus per stack removed.
- Shard of Mortis
- Commando - Gunnery / Mercenary - Arsenal
- Gyroscopic Stabilizers
- Reduces the cooldown of Death From Above / Mortar Volley by 20 seconds. Death From Above / Mortar Volley deals 25% more damage to targets affected by your Heat Signature / Gravity Vortex.
- Gyroscopic Stabilizers
- Commando - Assault Specialist / Mercenary - Innovative Ordnance
- Magnetic Resonance
- Exploding Thermal Detonator / Assault Plastique early with Mag Shot / Mag Bolt causes your next Power Shot / Charged Bolts to deal additional Elemental damage.
- Magnetic Resonance
- Commando - Combat Medic / Mercenary - Bodyguard:
- Fixed an issue where players don't have access to their initial Combat Style/Origin Story and ship when adding a second Combat Style.
Combat Style Changes
- Shield Specialist
- Pulse Cannon now correctly receives 40% of damage increase from Pulse Engine.
- Ion Overload now applies shock to all targets hit by High Impact Bolt.
- Plasmatech
- Tactical Strike - When dealing AoE damage the primary target no longer gets hit twice.
- Redesigned the Frontline Defense ability mod, which now does the following:
- Reduces the cooldown of Riot Strike by 2 seconds. Additionally, all area effect damage is reduced by 60% for 15 seconds after Sonic Round is activated.
- Tactics
- Vanguard now correctly builds Energy Lodes at level 73.
- Kill Zone - When dealing AoE damage the primary target no longer gets hit twice.
- Ricochet Rounds - When dealing AoE damage the primary target no longer gets hit twice.
- Redesigned the Frontline Defense ability mod, which now does the following:
- Reduces the cooldown of Riot Strike by 2 seconds. Additionally, all area effect damage is reduced by 60% for 15 seconds after Sonic Round is activated.
- Shield Tech
- Ion Overload now applies shock to all targets hit by Railshot.
- Pyrotech
- Open Flame - When dealing AoE damage the primary target no longer gets hit twice.
- Redesigned the Hitman ability mod, which now does the following:
- Reduces the cooldown of Quell by 2 seconds. Additionally, all area effect damage is reduced by 60% for 15 seconds after Sonic Missile is activated.
- Advanced Prototype
- Powertech now correctly builds Energy Lodes at level 73.
- Heat Zone - When dealing AoE damage the primary target no longer gets hit twice.
- Retractable Refresh - When dealing AoE damage the primary target no longer gets hit twice.
- Redesigned the Hitman ability mod, which now does the following:
- Reduces the cooldown of Quell by 2 seconds. Additionally, all area effect damage is reduced by 60% for 15 seconds after Sonic Missile is activated.
- Gunnery
- Increased the critical damage bonus given by the Deadly Cannon passive to 30% (up from 15%)
- Increased the critical hit chance bonus from Rotary Cannon to 10% (up from 5%)
- Boltstorm heat cost has been reduced to 16 (down from 20)
- Vortex Bolt heat cost has been reduced to 10 (down from 12)
- Increasing the damage bonus from the Tracing Residue mod to 10% (up from 5%)
- Assault Specialist
- Increased the bleed damage of Serrated Bolt by 16%
- Increased Elemental attack bonus damage on bleeding targets gained from Relentless Assault passive to 5% (up from 3%)
- Changed the functionality of the “Incendiary Ignition” mod from giving more ticks of Combustible Gas Cylinder to increasing its damage on targets affected by Incendiary Missile.
- Increased the periodic damage bonus from the Slow Burn mod to 30% (up from 25%)
- Explosive Round now generates 2 stacks of Supercharge when used with Hyper Assault Rounds
- Arsenal
- Increased the critical damage bonus given by the Target Tracking passive to 30% (up from 15%)
- Increased the critical hit chance bonus from Riddle to 10% (up from 5%)
- Blazing Bolts heat cost has been reduced to 16 (down from 20)
- Priming Shot heat cost has been reduced to 10 (down from 12)
- Increasing the damage bonus from the Tracing Residue mod to 10% (up from 5%)
- Innovative Ordnance
- Increased the bleed damage of Serrated Shot by 16%
- Increased Elemental attack bonus damage on bleeding targets gained form Relentless Ordnance passive to 5% (up from 3%)
- Changed the functionality of the “Incendiary Ignition” mod from giving more ticks of Combustible Gas Cylinder to increasing its damage on targets affected by Incendiary Missile.
- Increased the periodic damage bonus from the Slow Burn mod to 30% (up from 25%)
- Missile Blast now generates 2 stacks of Supercharge when used with Volatile Warhead.
- Hot Streak now properly resets the cooldowns of the following abilities:
- Scrapper - Back Blast
- Ruffian - Bushwack
- Sawbones - Triage
- Corrected Trick Move Ability cooldown to 35 seconds (down from 45 seconds).
- Dirty Kick now has the same cooldown and costs the same amount of energy as the Operative’s Ability Debilitate.
- Sawbones
- Fixed an issue where Healer's Edge mod was giving a bonus to critical hit chance.
- Scrapper
- The "Shank Shot" ability now correctly applies a debuff while "Setup Shot" mod is selected
- Medicine
- Fixed an issue where Tactical Effectiveness mod was giving a bonus to critical hit chance.
- Fixed the Thermal Grenade explosion visual effect.
- Redesigned the Hotwired Defenses passive mod to additionally give: “When taking damage while Entrench is active the cooldown on Bag of Tricks is reduced by 2 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 3 seconds.”
- Dirty Fighting
- Blood Sights no longer increase bleed damage by 10%.
- Nice Try grants Charged Burst, Dirty Blast, Wounding Shots, and Sharp Bomb 3% increased damage (down from 5%)
- Sharp Objects critical hit damage from periodic effects is reduced to 5% (down from 10%)
- Saboteur
- Redesigned Jury-Rigged Mods to additionally give:
- “Charged Burst deals additional elemental damage to targets affected by Interrogation Probe.”
- Increased Blazing Speeds damage by 25%.
- Redesigned the Augmented Shields passive mod to additionally give: “When taking damage while Entrench is active the cooldown on Meticulous Preparation is reduced by 2 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 3 seconds.”
- Virulence
- Viral Targeting no longer increases poison effect damage by 10%
- Decay grants Snipe, Lethal Shot, Cull, and Corrosive Grenade 3% increased damage (down from 5%)
- Critical Grenade critical hit damage from periodic effects is reduced to 5% (down from 10%)
- Engineering
- Redesigned Custom Auto Loaders to additionally give:
- “Snipe deals additional elemental damage to targets affected by Interrogation Probe.”
- Increased Electrified Railgun’s damage by 25%
- Fixed an issue with the Jerra’s Persistence tactical where it was not properly adding a charge to Shadow Stride for the Shadow Combat Style.
- Infiltration
- Redesigned the Formless Phantom ability mod, which now does the following:
- All area effect damage is reduced by 60% for 15 seconds after Mass Mind Control is activated.
- Redesigned the Formless Phantom ability mod, which now does the following:
- Serenity
- Redesigned the Formless Phantom ability mod, which now does the following:
- All area effect damage is reduced by 60% for 15 seconds after Mass Mind Control is activated.
- Redesigned the Formless Phantom ability mod, which now does the following:
- Fixed an issue with the Jerra’s Persistence tactical where it was not properly adding a charge to Phantom Stride for the Assassin Combat Style.
- Deception
- Redesigned the Formless Phantom ability mod, which now does the following:
- All area effect damage is reduced by 60% for 15 seconds after Mass Mind Control is activated.
- Redesigned the Formless Phantom ability mod, which now does the following:
- Hatred
- Redesigned the Formless Phantom ability mod, which now does the following:
- All area effect damage is reduced by 60% for 15 seconds after Mass Mind Control is activated.
- Redesigned the Formless Phantom ability mod, which now does the following:
- Revitalize Package Legendary item now correctly works for Sage.
- The visual effect of “Preserved Force Armor” Ability is now correctly playing when used on a target.
- Balance
- Center Point - When the AoE damage is triggered it no longer hits the primary target twice.
- Returning Light - Sever Force triggers Returning Light when they tick. Rate limit has been reduced to 3 seconds (down from 5 seconds).
- Revitalize Package Legendary item now correctly works for Sorcerer.
- Lightning
- Sorcerer’s Ability “Halted Offensive” deals the same critical damage as the Sage’s mirror Ability “Power of the Force”.
- Fixed a typo in the tooltip of Focal Lightning passive Ability.
- Madness
- Eternal Torment - When the AoE damage is triggered it no longer hits the primary target twice.
- Creeping End - Creeping Terror triggers Creeping End when they tick. Rate limit has been reduced to 3 seconds (down from 5 seconds).
- Inspiration is now granted at level 51 instead of level 60.
- Redesigned “Defensive Roll” passive mod, which is now called “Steel Self”, and which now does the following:
- Increases internal and elemental damage reduction by 3%. In addition, Activating Inspiration, Rebuke, or Transcendence reduces the damage you take from area effects by 30% for 10 seconds.
- This is now only available for the Combat and Watchman disciplines.
- Reduced the ability recharge time of Force Clarity by 15 seconds.
- Updated the tooltip of Rush Down passive Ability for clarity.
- Watchman
- Fixed an issue with the Burning Zen mod where charges of Zen were being consumed from the damage dealt from Burning Zen.
- Updated the description of Burning Zen to better communicate its effect.
- Combat
- Increased the damage buff from Opportune Attack on Clashing Blast to 10% (up from 5%)
- Redesigned “Quickness” mod:
- "Dealing damage with an Ataru Form strike reduces the cooldown of rage spending offensive abilities by 1 second. This effect can only occur once every second. In addition, Ataru Form deals 3% more damage.”
- Redesigned the “Combat Trance” passive to do the following:
- When Execute is consumed by Blade Storm or Clashing Blast, you build 1 rage. In addition, you are immune to interrupts and all controlling effects for 6 seconds after activating Precision. The immunity effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.
- Concentration
- Reduced Zenith crit chance and damage bonus to 15% (down from 20%)
- Redesigned the Gravity Vortex passive and is now a Level 51 mod choice for Concentration, replacing Defensive Roll:
- Force Crush / Force Exhaustion triggers Gravity Vortex, granting immunity to interrupts and all controlling effects and reducing damage taken from area effects by 15% for 6 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.
- Changed the Level 60 passive to Gravity Defiance, which reduces the Rage cost of Obliterate and Force Crush by 1.
- Bloodthirst is now granted at level 51 instead of level 60.
- Redesigned “Defensive Roll” passive mod, which is now called “Steel Self”, and which now does the following:
- Increases internal and elemental damage reduction by 3%. In addition, Activating Bloodthirst, Cloak of Pain, or Predation reduces the damage you take from area effects by 30% for 10 seconds.
- This is now only available for the Carnage and Annihilation disciplines.
- Reduced the ability recharge time of Furious Power by 15 seconds.
- Updated the tooltip of Rush Down passive Ability for clarity.
- Annihilation
- Updated the description of Blood Fury to better communicate its effect.
- Carnage
- Increased the damage buff from Execute on Devastating Blast to 10% (up from 5%)
- Redesigned“Quickness” mod:
- "Dealing damage with an Ataru Form strike reduces the cooldown of rage spending offensive abilities by 1 second. This effect can only occur once every second. In addition, Ataru Form deals 3% more damage.”
- Redesigned the “Blood Frenzy” passive to do the following:
- When Execute is consumed by Force Scream or Devastating Blast, you build 1 rage. In addition, you are immune to interrupts and all controlling effects for 6 seconds after activating Ferocity. The immunity effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.
- Fury
- Reduced Dark Synergy crit chance and damage bonus to 15% (down from 20%)
- Redesigned the Gravity Vortex passive and is now a Level 51 mod choice for Fury, replacing Defensive Roll:
- Force Crush / Force Exhaustion triggers Gravity Vortex, granting immunity to interrupts and all controlling effects and reducing damage taken from area effects by 15% for 6 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds.
- Changed the Level 60 passive to Gravity Manipulation, which reduces the Focus cost of Zealous Leap and Force Exhaustion by 1.
- Vigilance
- Reduced the damage done by the Branding Burst mod by 50%.
- Focus
- Reduced Zenith crit chance and damage bonus to 15% (down from 20%)
- Rage
- Reduced Dark Synergy crit chance and damage bonus to 15% (down from 20%)
- Vengeance
- Reduced the damage done by the Shatter Burst mod by 50%.
- Master Mode Flashpoints are now only available in Group Finder at Level 80.
- Players can no longer select a Flashpoint from the Group Finder window if they already have a mission for the same Flashpoint at a different difficulty level.
- The Exit Area button now appears on the mini-map when the player is inside a Flashpoint.
- Players are now correctly scaled to Level 65 inside all Star Fortresses.
- The Combat Support Droid icon in the Mission tracker is no longer greyed out even when usable in Story Mode Flashpoints.
Battle of Rishi
- Rebalanced the damage done by the Shield Squadron Unit 1 encounter in Master Mode.
Objective Meridian
- The hit indicators and visual effect of “Force Quake” Ability is now loading for all players.
- Tau Idair now uses Blade Storm less frequently and does not use it at all in Solo and Solo-Story Mode.
Ruins of Nul
- It is no longer possible to use the Climbing Anchor Points while in combat.
- The Awakened Wardens now reset properly and can be summoned again after defeating the Bonus Boss.
Secrets of the Enclave
- If the player is defeated by Graul their companions and followers will now be teleported into the arena when they re-enter it.
The Red Reaper
- If players die and respawn after the Flashpoint has been completed, players can now go through the Flashpoint and loot the final boss.
- R-4 Anomaly Operation (Story Mode) is now available through Group Finder. To celebrate the release of R-4 Anomaly it will remain in Group Finder every week.
- Reduced the health of all encounters across all Operations and in all modes.
- The Operation Terminal offers Weekly Missions for Level 80 characters only.
Gods from the Machine
- Damage done by enemies has been reduced in all modes.
Scum and Villainy
- The Hateful Entity is now dropping Tech Fragments and gear when defeated in Scum and Villainy Operation - Master Mode.
- It is no longer possible to reset the cooldown of the Personal Environmental Shield in the Scum and Villainy Operation while the Dash’Roode encounter is active.
Terror From Beyond
- The Dreadful Entity is now dropping Tech Fragments and gear when defeated in Terror from Beyond Operation - Master Mode.
The Nature of Progress
- Damage done by enemies has been reduced in all modes.
- The visual effect of Huntsmater’s ability “Firestorm Grenade” is now consistent in the Nature of Progress Operation - Story Mode.
- Defeated players can no longer scatter spores during the Red encounter in the Nature of Progress Operation.
Missions + NPCs
- Holo-characters are now correctly centered above the communicator in the Regicide Mission on Alderaan.
- The Conquest rewards notification no longer appears multiple times in the cinematic when completing The Tatooine Rundown Mission.
- Only characters above Level 80 receive Conquest Commendations and FP-1 Stabilizers after completing the following Missions in Story Mode, as intended:
- Star Fortress
- Flashpoint
- Players can no longer claim Revan’s weapons from the Companions & Contacts window when he’s not an active companion during the Echoes of Oblivion Mission.
- The correct lightsaber now appears in the cinematic of the “Weapon of the Jedi” Mission for theJedi Knight Origin Story with the Shadow Combat Style.
- The user Interface no longer flashes on the screen during the cinematic where Z0-OM is scanning in Shroud of Memory Mission.
- Fixed texture issues in the cinematics of Chapter XV: GEMINI Deception.
- There is no longer a required level for HK-51’s weapon, as intended.
- The Ugnaught Leader in Blizz’s recruitment Mission, “Little Boss” is no longer too difficult to defeat.
- Clarified a player conversation option in Jaesa Willsaam’s Alliance Alert “Feel the Wrath”.
- The jump PLC in the Republic Mission “Out of the Blue” no longer displays “OBJECT HAS NO NAME” in its tooltip.
- Reduced respawn timer of Ashen Remains in the Ziost Daily Mission “From Ashes”.
- Added Ability names and descriptions to two temporary Abilities in “Out of the Blue” Republic Mission.
- The Reclaimed Treasure Mission now advances correctly if players assemble the tablets incorrectly and replace them in the correct order.
- Fixed an issue where Treek’s Bowcaster can’t be equipped back after being removed.
- Updated the description of “Technological Advancements” Mission to clarify that Galactic Starfighter PVP Mode does not provide points for completion.
- It now says “Completing a Warzone or Arena Match - 10 charge”
- Removed the reference to Level 60 Character Boost Token from Knights of the Eternal Throne Welcome Mail.
- Rebalanced the Gemini Captain encounter in Chapter XVI - The Gemini Deception of Knight of the Fallen Empire - Story Mode.
- Fixed an issue which could cause friendly NPCs to aggro players after a duel ends.
Arenas + Warzones
- The following Missions now reward Tech Fragments for players above 75:
- [WEEKLY] The War Front
- [DAILY] Zero Tolerance
- [DAILY] United We Stand
- Shadow
- Maul Spike’s stun effect can no longer be clicked off in PvP.
- Assassin
- Maul Spike’s stun effect can no longer be clicked off in PvP.
- Thyrsian Fitted Gear is now available for sale from the PvP Gear Vendor on the Fleet which have unlocked dye and modification slots. These items can be purchased using WZ-1 Accelerants and credits.
- Defeating The Eyeless during the Rakghoul Resurgence event no longer grants credit for the "Activity Finder: Socialite” Conquest Objective.
- Defeating Xenoanalyst during the Resurgence of the Gree event no longer gives credit towards the “Activity Finder: Socialite” Conquest Objective.
Feast of Prosperity
- Mission terminals for Feast of Prosperity Daily Missions are now highlighted.
Nar Shaddaa Nightlife
- Unruly patrons in casinos in Nar Shaddaa are now correctly scaled during the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event.
Galactic Starfighter
- Increased the Experience players received from Galactic Starfighter matches for Levels 76-79.
- Completing the Personal Conquest goals while in a Galactic Starfighter match gives progression for the Technological Advancements Mission.
Galactic Seasons
- Players who didn’t complete the reputation track before the end of Galactic Season 2: “Shadows of the Underworld” can now keep on progressing this track and earn the Legacy titles “Shadow Initiate”, “Master of Shadows”, and “The Shadow’s Veil” until the launch of Galactic Season 3. More information in this forum post.
- Syndicate Plans will continue to drop from mobs across the Galaxy for players who have not completed the reputation track.
- Jawa Intel will also remain available from Brrazz on the Fleet to increase the chance to obtain Syndicate Plans.
- The Galactic Season timer from the Welcome Window is now correctly working:
- It no longer disappears from the Galactic Season window.
- Players can now use the Galactic Season catch-up function.
- Traitor Among the Chiss Flashpoint (All Modes) now correctly gives points for the completion of the “Legacies of the Ambitious and Deceitful” Seasonal Objective.
- The Season Objective “Still got it” now only progresses when completing the objective without a Companion.
- Gear icons of Galactic Season 2 weapons are now correctly updated when a mod is added.
- Updated the Ambassador’s Curiosities icon.
- There is no longer an error message when the Conquest window is opened after the end of the season.
- Opening a Galactic Season Companion Lockbox while the inventory is full now displays the following error message: “You do not have enough room to claim these contents. Please clear your inventory first and try again”.
- Galactic Season 2 Objectives are no longer visible in the Conquest tab and players can no longer progress on them as the season already ended.