Game Update 6.3a
Game Update 6.3a
- The Galactic Seasons Weekly Reset Timer has been changed to match the Conquests and in-game events reset timers: 12:00 PM UTC on Tuesdays.
- The purchase of all Companions from the Galactic Seasons vendor Jaleit Nall has been temporarily disabled with a hotfix deployed on April, 29th. While we investigate reports of Alliance Alerts not being granted when using the corresponding Holocommunicator, all Companions have been temporarily removed from Jaleit Nall's inventory to prevent players from experiencing this issue.
- Rerolling a Priority Objective is no longer granting a completed Priority Objective, as intended.
- All Geonosians on Ossus and various other insectoids which had previously scrambled out of the way have been caught and now also contribute to Priority Objectives and Altuur zok Adon's Achievements.
- Completing the required Veteran Mode Flashpoints by players Level 71 and above are now correctly counting toward the progress of Weekly Veteran Mode Flashpoint Priority Objectives.
- The following Heroic Missions now count toward the progress of the Daily Priority Objective "Outer Rim Heroics"
- [HEROIC 2+] The Engineer's Tale
- [HEROIC 2+] Jungle Flight
- [HEROIC 2+] Reap the Whirlwind
- [HEROIC 2+] Search and Rescue
- The following one-time Heroic Missions now count toward the progress of the Daily Priority Objective "Hutt Space Heroics".
- [HEROIC 2+] The Specialist
- [HEROIC 2+] Savage Skies
- [HEROIC 2+] For the Record
- The following Ossus Missions now correctly count toward the progress of the Daily Priority Objective “Daily PO: Ossus Daily Missions”:
- [DAILY] Blazing Fury
- [DAILY] Silencing the Guns
- Defeating enemies is now correctly counting toward the progress of the following Priority Objectives:
- "Daily PO: Defeat Home World Enemies"
- "Daily PO: Defeat Capital Enemies"
- Using the Random Mount ability before entering a Flashpoint is no longer blocking the use of the Rocket Boost ability during that Flashpoint.
- The Apex Vanguard no longer applies Furious Footsteps damage to nearby players during his Darkness Overdrive channel in the Nature of Progress Operation - Master Mode.
- The Graul and Enemy Squad bosses no longer respawn when the player progress to the next area in the Secrets of the Enclave Flashpoint - All Modes.
- It is no longer possible to avoid the Ultimate Hunter in the Nature of Progress Operation - Master Mode.
- It is no longer possible to sell the following Galactic Seasons Rewards claimed from Collections:
- Altuur's Infiltrator Customization
- Altuur's Reconnaissance Customization Starclipse
- Altuur's Exquisite Assault Cannon
- Altuur's Ornate Assault Cannon
- Altuur's Exquisite Blaster
- Altuur's Ornate Blaster
- Altuur's Exquisite Dualsaber
- Altuur's Ornate Dualsaber
- Altuur's Exquisite Blaster Rifle
- Altuur's Ornate Blaster Rifle
- Altuur's Exquisite Sniper Rifle
- Altuur's Ornate Sniper Rifle
- Altuur's Exquisite Lightsaber
- Altuur's Ornate Lightsaber
- The following issues have been previously fixed with a hotfix deployed on April, 27th:
- It is no longer possible to purchase the same Galactic Season level multiple times.
- The following Conquest Objectives are now correctly progressing:
- The Black Hole: Defeat Enemies 2
- CZ-198: Defeat enemies 2
- Tython: Defeat Enemies 2
- Ord Mantell: Defeat Enemies 2
- Hutta: Defeat Enemies 2
- Korriban: Defeat Enemies 2
- Section X: Defeat Enemies 2