1.7.3 Patch Notes
- Ready Check is now available!
- Group and Operations Group leaders can initiate a Ready Check by using “/rc” or “/readycheck” chat commands or via the context group menu.
- Each member of the group will then receive a pop-up prompting them to respond. Responding will place a visual cue on the raid frame or group frame of that player.
- At the end of the Ready Check, chat feedback indicates whether the group is ready or if not, and lists any non-ready players.
Cartel Market
- Cartel Market Certificates have been changed to Bind on Legacy.
- A new Armor set is available on the Cartel Market. The Heartless Pursuer Armor Set is a collection of adaptive gear with no modifications. This armor set is available to any class. Cost: 1440 Cartel Coins.
- A new Bundle is available on the Cartel Market. The Ultimate Leveling Bundle offers the player character perks to augment their experience gains. The character perks included increased Class Mission, Exploration, Flashpoint, Space Mission, and Warzone experience. Cost: 4100 Cartel Coins.
- The Ivory Mouse Horranth is now discounted by 75%. Cost: 60 Cartel Coins.
- The Unlock: Crew Skill Slot is now discounted by 30%. Cost: 294 Cartel Coins.
- The Unlock: Crew Skill Slot (Account) is now discounted by 20%. Cost: 756 Cartel Coins.
- The Customization Control: Unify Colors is now discounted by 30%. Cost: 245 Cartel Coins.
- The Customization Control: Unify Colors (Account) is now discounted by 20%. Cost: 620 Cartel Coins.
- The Sith Raider Armor Set is now discounted by 10%. Cost: 1296 Cartel Coins.
- The X-3 Techmaster Armor Set is now discounted by 33%. Cost: 800 Cartel Coins.
- The Noble Commander's Armor Set is now discounted by 33%. Cost: 800 Cartel Coins.
- All Weekly Passes are no longer 25% off.
- The Longspur Sportster is no longer 25% off.
- The Destroyer Armor Set is no longer 25% off.
- The Sand People Pillager Armor Set is no longer 50% off.
- The “/xantha” and “/kloo” emotes now hide player weapons appropriately while active.
- The “/flourish” emote no longer attempts to hide weapons.
New Items
New Discounts
Expiring Discounts
- The Improved Priority Transport: Personal Starship character unlocks have been enabled once again.
Flashpoints and Operations
- The "Rakghoul's Bane" title will now be properly granted upon defeating the final encounter.
Kaon Under Siege
- The Rhythm Augmentation Droid has been modified to provide entertainment only to those within visual range.
- The Blue Sphere vehicle is no longer Bind on Pickup and now Binds to Legacy when purchased.
- The Gold Scalene Armor set has had the minimum level corrected from 10 to 1.
- Double-Bladed Lightsabers and Dual-Edge Vibroswords will now display both blades when using all abilities.
- Corrected an issue where some chestpiece hoods would not display as intended with helms underneath. This fix only applies to those items which were incorrectly modified with Patch 1.7.1.
- Lacqerous Mesh Boots now display correctly.
Missions and NPCs
- The Transponder Station: Players will now be able to enter the Transponder Vessel phase entrance after leaving their personal starship.
Class Missions
Sith Warrior
Space Combat
- The description for Republic Hyperspace Armada Reputation has been updated to include that trophies can be earned from Operation New Eclipse Missions.
- The description for Imperial First Mobile Fleet Reputation has been updated to include that trophies can be earned from Operation Ascendant Pride Missions.
- Updated the tooltip for the Reputation Weekly Cap to clarify that weekly reset occurs on Tuesday.
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
- Added missing text to the Galactic Reputation and Cartel Market Windows in the French and German versions.
- Corrected a visual issue that manifested while leaning sharply on speeders.