Return of the Gree
Return of the Gree
Game Update 1.7: Return of the Gree
- A new Event, Relics of the Gree, has been added to the Western Ice Shelf on Ilum. An ancient Gree starship called "Gray Secant" has transformed the battlefield into a crucible for research, with PvE and PvP missions available for the duration of the Event. Earning Reputation with the Gree Enclave will unlock permission to board Gray Secant itself, which includes access to a new Operation boss - Xenoanalyst II. The "Relics of the Gree" Event will last for two weeks and will return in the future!
- Galactic Reputation is a new system for advancing your Legacy. You can unlock Reputation ranks by completing missions for various organizations and earning Reputation Trophies, which can be consumed to earn Reputation points. Higher Reputation ranks will unlock rewards such as mini-pets, cosmetic gear, and Legacy Titles.
- The final Cartel Pack of our initial set of packs (known as Shipment One) has arrived. The Space Pirate Pack features a wider variety of exclusive items than any previous pack!
- Legacy Titles can now be unlocked in your character sheet. Legacy Titles occupy the slot below your name in your nameplate, and once unlocked, they are available to all characters in your Legacy. Your Legacy surname and Legacy Title surname are independent and can be toggled separately. Character and Cartel Market menus have been updated to reflect this.
Cartel Market
- Updated the Cartel Market storefront to differentiate between Character Titles and Legacy Titles.
- A new cartel pack, the Space Pirate's Cartel Pack, is now available on the Market. Cost: 360 Cartel Coins
- "It's a Surprise!" and "I Love You" Jawagrams are now available for a limited time! Cost: 20 Cartel Coins
- Players can now purchase a Hypercrate containing 24 Space Pirate's Cartel Packs. (Discounted by 15% for a limited time!) Cost: 7344
- The Blockade Runner Cartel Pack is now discounted by 5%. Cost: 342 Cartel Coins
- Authorization: Artifact Equipment (Account) is now discounted by 10%. Cost: 2430 Cartel Coins
- Authorization: Artifact Equipment (Character) is now discounted by 25%. Cost: 900 Cartel Coins
- Major Experience Boost (x5) are now discounted by 25%. Cost: 360 Cartel Coins
- The Carbonite Chamber is now discounted by 25%. Cost: 540 Cartel Coins
- The Experimental Flight Suit is now Discounted by 50%. Cost: 600 Cartel Coins
- Access Authorization: Section X (Character) is no longer 10% off. Cost: 540 Cartel Coins
- Access Authorization: Section X (Account) is no longer 10% off. Cost: 1,215 Cartel Coinsl
- Unlock: Cargo Hold Access (Character) is no longer 20% off. Cost: 380 Cartel Coinsl
- Unlock: Cargo Hold Access (Account) is no longer 20% off. Cost: 840 Cartel Coins
- Unlock: Additional Cargo Bay (Character) is no longer 20% off. Cost: 380 Cartel Coins
- Unlock: Additional Cargo Bay (Account) is no longer 20% off. Cost: 840 Cartel Coins
- Medical Probes are no longer 50% off. Cost: 250 Cartel Coins
- Players are now able to use more than one Category-specific Experience Boost simultaneously. Ex: A player may have both a Warzone and Space Experience Boost active at the same time. However, General Experience Boosts may not be combined with Category-specific Experience Boosts.
- Several Cartel Market tooltips have been corrected to indicate that they unlock for characters rather than full accounts.
- Players who had previously obtained a piece of the Spymaster, Conservator's, Phantom, Despot's, Perceptor's, or Trailblazer's equipment set will receive a matching piece of the "Classic" version of the item. You will find the "Classic" version of the item delivered via in-game mail or inside of the equipment lockbox where you originally obtained the item.
- The tooltip for Social Boost items now indicate that the cooldown is 1 hour.
- Updated the art for the Skip Tracker's Cartel Pack to accurately depict the Stylish Dancer's items.
New Items
New Discounts
Expiring Discounts
Bug Fixes
- The number of abilities players can learn has been significantly increased, allowing anyone who had been unable to summon a new pet or vehicle to now do so.
- Added a Cargo Bay, Guild Bank, mail box and Galactic Trade Network Terminal to VIP area on the Republic and Imperial Fleets.
- All players located on Ilum prior to Game Update 1.7 will now find their positions to be updated. Imperial characters will be at the Imperial planetary shuttle and Republic characters will be located at the Republic planetary shuttle.
Flashpoints and Operations
- Reduced the damage dealt by Hypergate Irregularities during the encounter with Terror From Beyond in 16-player Story Mode.
Terror From Beyond
Items and Economy
- Item sell values and item repair costs now reflect the value of the items and any enhancements attached to them. Previously, items were incorrectly being valued without their enhancements.
- Corrected art for the Clan Varad Militia Rifle to display with the correct material type.
- The Bartenders on the Republic and Imperial Fleets now sell "Flower Delivery" Jawagrams for 1,000 Credits.
- Galactic Reputation is a new system for advancing your Legacy. You can unlock Reputation ranks by completing missions for various organizations and earning Reputation Trophies, which can be consumed to earn Reputation points. Higher Reputation ranks will unlock rewards such as mini-pets, cosmetic gear, and Legacy Titles. There are four Reputations are currently available:
- The Voss
- The Gree Enclave
- Republic Hyperspace Armada / Imperial First Mobile Fleet
- Republic 5th Assault Battalion / Imperial Guard on Belsavis
- Legacy Titles can now be unlocked in your character sheet. Legacy Titles occupy the slot below your name in your nameplate, and once unlocked, they are available to all characters in your Legacy. Your Legacy surname and Legacy Title surname are independent and can be toggled separately.
- Priority Transport: Personal Starship is now available as a Legacy unlock. This ability requires Legacy level 15 and character level 20 and does not share a cooldown with any other Priority Transport unlock.
- The tooltips for "Improved Rocket Boost" Legacy unlocks now properly indicate that will have no effect on player speed without first unlocking the "Rocket Boost" first.
- The Legacy Character unlock for the Imperial version of HK-51 is now properly restricted to Imperial characters.
Bug Fixes
Missions and NPCs
- A new Event has been added to the Western Ice Shelf on Ilum. An ancient Gree starship called "Gray Secant" has transformed the battlefield into a crucible for research, with PvE and PvP missions available for the duration of the Event. Earning Reputation with the Gree Enclave will unlock permission to board Gray Secant itself, which includes access to a new Operation boss - Xenoanalyst II. The "Relics of the Gree" Event will last for two weeks and will return in the future!
- A new Reputation Vendor is present in both the Imperial and Republic camps of Section X.
- Reputation Trophies are now awarded for completing daily and weekly missions in Section X.
- Section X: Data Raid: The respawn timer has been decreased for the Energy Tubes in this Imperial Mission.
- Section X: March of the Dread Guard: Players who exit the mission phase before completing all objectives will no longer be prevented from re-entering the phase.
- Section X: [AREA 2+] Lost Reconnaissance: All enemies, including the Voracious Tuk'ata, now count toward mission credit when defeated.
- Section X: Targeted Misfire: Both Jedi Special Operatives and Jedi Protectors now drop targeting beacons.
- A new weekly mission is available in the Voss-Ka Cantina: "The Defense of Voss-Ka." This mission rewards Reputation Trophies with The Voss.
- Reputation Trophies are now awarded for completing many Heroic missions on Voss.
- A new Reputation Vendor is present in the Voss-Ka Cantina.
- The Jedi Envoy: The arrivals console will now properly advise players that "You must have T-7 with you to do this" when they attempt to use the console without this companion summoned.
- The Arrival: The arrivals console on Coruscant will now properly advise players that "You must have Qyzen Fess with you to do this" when they attempt to use the console without this companion summoned.
- The Gambler: The arrivals console on Coruscant will now properly advise players that "You must have Corso Riggs with you to do this" when they attempt to use the console without this companion summoned.
- The Path Leads to Dromund Kaas: The arrivals console on Dromund Kaas will now properly advise players that "You must have Kaliyo Djannis with you to do this" when they attempt to use the console without this companion summoned.
- The New Truth: The Holoarchives on Hutta will now properly display the "You must have Kaliyo Djannis with you" error message if you attempt to download the holorecordings without this companion summoned.
- Coruscant Assignment: The arrivals console on Coruscant will now properly advise players that "You must have Aric Jorgan with you to do this" when they attempt to use the console without this companion summoned.
- The Hunt on Dromund Kaas: The arrivals console on Dromund Kaas will now properly advise players that "You must have Mako with you to do this" when they attempt to use the console without this companion summoned.
World Missions
Class Missions
Jedi Knight
Jedi Consular
Imperial Agent
Bounty Hunter
- The "Battle for Ilum" [AREA] PvP missions are no longer active in the Western Ice Shelf.
- The Western Ice Shelf is now divided into a Small Group Free-For-All PvP region in the south and a standard open world area in the north. Missions in these areas will activate during the "Relics of the Gree" Event.
- "Small Group Free-For-All" is a new ruleset for world PvP regions where groups of up to four players compete against all other groups in the area. Operations groups are disallowed in these regions.
World PvP
Space Combat
- Reputation Trophies are now awarded for completing the daily Heroic Space Missions from the Fleet Command console on your ship.
- A new Reputation Vendor is present on the Imperial and Republic Fleets, in the area near the Space Combat vendors.
- Your character's Galactic Reputation can now be viewed in the Legacy window.
- The Character and Cartel Market windows have been updated to include Legacy Title information.
- Searches on the GTN are now limited to 4,000 results (500 pages). If this limit is reached, players will need to use other search criteria to refine the search.
- In order to improve overall GTN performance, when searching the GTN, each word must now be at least 3 characters long to be accepted.
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
- Corrected minor spelling and grammar errors on the Character Selection screen.
- The /stuck command will now kill players who are stuck on their personal starships.