Game Update 6.1.2d
Game Update 6.1.2d
- Ranked PvP Season 13 - Today marks the beginning of Ranked PVP Season 13. Players who participated and earned Bronze, Silver, and Gold rewards during season 12 will find their rewards waiting in their mailboxes. Top 96 players will receive their rewards in the coming days.
- Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event - The Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event has been extended until August 25th.
Flashpoints + Operations + Uprisings
The Nature of Progress
- The Tour De Beast Achievement from the “Nature of Progress” Operation is now working as intended.
- The Ventilation Station in “The Nature of Progress” Operation is no longer consuming all the charges of the battery as intended.
Galactic Starfighter
- Players above level 10 are now receiving rewards after completing Galactic Starfighter matches as intended.
Items + Economy
- Corrected the German name for the Meteor Brawler boots.
- Purple team icons are no longer displayed as white in Warzones.
- Players should no longer be able to travel to their Stronghold from PvP matches as intended.
- Players now receive a Leaver Penalty when leaving Unranked Warzone. They will not be able to queue for 15 minutes.
- The following PvP Missions now only progress on victories, previously they progressed based on points earned with Victories counting for 5 or 2 points and Losses counting for 1 point:
- [DAILY] March Them Down - Now requires 1 Victory (previously required 4 points).
- [DAILY] No Quarter - Now requires 1 Victory (previously required 4 points).
- [DAILY] United We Stand - Now requires 1 Victory (previously required 2 points).
- [DAILY] Zero Tolerance - Now requires 1 Victory (previously required 2 points).
- [WEEKLY] The War Front - Now requires 10 Victories (previously required 5 points).
- [WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor - Now requires 10 Victories (previously required 20 points).
- [WEEKLY] The Spoils of War - Now requires 10 Victories (previously required 20 points).
- [DAILY] Arena of Death! - Now requires 1 Victory (previously required 10 points).
- [DAILY] My Kind of Scum - Now requires 1 Victory (previously required 10 points).
- [WEEKLY] Go Berserk! - Now requires 6 Victories (previously required 50 points).
- [WEEKLY] Time for Pain! - Now requires 8 Victories (previously required 50 points).
- For Season 13, the “minimum games won” requirement has been changed for each Ranked PvP tier as follows:
- Bronze - 20 wins (down from 25).
- Silver - 40 wins (down from 50).
- Gold - 80 wins (down from 100).
- Platinum - 160 wins (down from 200) and be one of the top 3 rated players for your class among the players with at least 160 wins.
- The Unranked Warzone map rotation has been adjusted to favor match variety over map variety. Players will have an equal chance to have a Capture Point, Huttball, Ancient Hypergates, or Voidstar match type pop.
- Due to performance issues, we have temporarily disabled Vandin and Quesh Huttball maps from the Unranked Warzone queue.
- The chance for players to have the Odessen Proving Grounds in the Unranked Warzone map rotation has been reduced.
Nar Shaddaa Nightlife
- The NPC to complete the step "Travel to Marked Site" from the "Counterfeit Tokens - Nar Shaddaa" Mission is now visible.
- Emperor's Grace Slot machines are no longer stuck in a winning state, preventing players from interacting with them.
- Players can now interact with the Kingpin Slot machines.
- The "Red Zone" map from the "Counterfeit Tokens - Mek-Sha" Mission on the Imperial side is now displaying correct information.
- Corrected an issue where an unintended error message is displayed if there is no target selected when using the Mission item to complete the "Buy In, Sell Out" Mission.
- Corrected an issue where players didn’t receive any rewards attached to the mail when completing the Imperial or Republic "Counterfeit Tokens - Mek-Sha" Mission.
- Players are no longer kicked out of their conversation when other players choose the fighting option in the "Counterfeit Tokens - Mek-Sha" Mission.