Game Update 7.6d
Game Update 7.6d
- Social Vendors will now properly display the requirements for their wares.
- The Spoils of War vendor now sells Solid Resource Matrix.
- Enemies in the Chilling Death Spire location on Hoth can now be targeted and attacked as intended.
- Comlink conversations will now show various NPC appearances.
- Jukeboxes in various cantinas are no longer floating or clipping with other cantina assets.
- Fixed a visual bug causing turrets to float on various planets.
- Fixed an issue preventing in-combat enemies from showing up on the overlay map.
- [Do or Dianoga] Players will no longer see an error message for repeatability when they use the second mission unlock while the first mission is active. They will see a message indicating eligibility instead.
- [Do or Dianoga] The orb is now highlighted during the “Obtain a duraplast orb” mission step.
- [Do or Dianoga] The mapnote for the “Collect sufficiently filthy water” step no longer shows up on the map after the step is completed.
- [Contact the Manufacturer] The mission unlock item from previously opened bundles can now be used up to five times to complete the mission.
- [Contact the Manufacturer] Players can no longer interact with the terminal after they’ve completed the “Search the area” mission step.
- [Contact the Manufacturer and Do or Dianoga] Players can no longer be on both missions at the same time.
Dynamic Encounters
- Players can now purchase the Dynamic Encounter XP perk as intended.
- The shared Dynamic Encounters icon is now displayed on the Galaxy Map while they are active.
- [Hoth: Pirate Problem] The Tre’vor Kirieleison boss now respawns after the encounter is completed allowing other players to complete the “Defeat the White Maw Lieutenant” step.
- [Hoth: Pirate Problem] The Zakxon Gewchi boss now respawns after the encounter is completed allowing other players to complete the “Defeat the White Maw Lieutenant” step.
- [Hoth: A Bridge Too Close] The Sapper Commander boss now respawns after the encounter is completed allowing other players to complete the “Defeat Sapper Commander” step.
- [Hoth: Trial By Fire] The heat level obtained from the L.A.V.A suit no longer persists when a player character logs out, dies, or travels to another location.
- [Hoth: Republic Attack: Forward Bunker] Players can no longer pick up multiple crates of the Imperial Mounted Turrets.
- [Hoth: Imperial Attack: Outpost Cresh] Players can no longer pick up multiple crates of the Republic Mounted Turrets.
- [Hoth: Republic Attack: Dorn Base and Aurek Base] Players can no longer interact with the Rally Beacons and Explosive Fuel after they’ve completed the encounter.
- [Hoth: Ice Fishing] The fish is now successfully delivered to the player even if they walk or move around.
- [Tatooine: Brooding Season] The Subsurface Vibration Propagators now respawn more quickly.
- [Tatooine: Republic Attack] The boss now respawns as intended.
- [Ilum: Hidden Chain Invasion] Players will no longer get stuck on the Crystal Shipments after jumping on them.
- [Tatooine: Imperial Attack] Players can no longer interact with the Imperial Munition Crates after completing the encounter.
- [Tatooine: Archaeological Scramble] The Unearthed Relics are no longer interactable after completing the encounter.
- [Tatooine: Archaeological Scramble] The “Activate Relic” ability can no longer be used after the encounter is completed.
- [Tatooine: Scavenger’s Tale 2] Players can no longer aid injured Jawas after they have completed the encounter.
- [Tatooine: Breezepunks] The turbine control panels are no longer interactable during the “Find the technician” mission step.
- [Tatooine: Hidden Chain Invasion] The Hidden Chain Lieutenant enemy has been balanced to be a more challenging encounter.
- [Tatooine: Hidden Chain Invasion] When the encounter is completed, the ship no longer reappears for a short amount of time.
- [WEEKLY: The Shifting Tides] This mission now has an icon.
- The Meirm Cicada mount will now dismount the player when the player attempts to gather a node.
- Fixed an issue that made beards on Cyborg characters turn metallic red.
- The jukebox inside the Remote Trading Outpost Cantina decoration is now functional when the player interacts with it at close range.
- Decorations that contain randomized appearances for NPCs will now:
- Show randomized appearance when initially placed within a Stronghold
- Show a randomized appearance to a remote player who is a guest in the Stronghold
- The Braidhawk hair no longer looks distorted when the player character is wearing the Ruhnuk Wanderer Chestplate.
- The Braidhawk braid no longer moves when viewed
- The Braidhawk and Half Long Half Short appearance option items no longer appear as usable once they have been previously used.
- The D5-C0 DJ Droid now has an icon in the Abilities window.
- The Baby Dianoga decoration is no longer missing its head and orb.
- The water VFX for the Remote Trading Outpost Spire Basin remain visible when moving away from the decoration.
- Fixed an issue with the Remote Trading Outpost Street Lamp so that the light is only shining in one direction.
- The Victorious Pioneer set bonus is available from level 1 - 75.
Operations/Operation Bosses
- Bad Luck Prevention has been introduced to Relentless Replication. More details here.
- [Relentless Replication Encounter] The achievements for completing Relentless Replication in Story and Veteran mode now reward a trophy decoration.
- [Relentless Replication Encounter: Veteran Mode] An augment schematic is now guaranteed to drop after 7 runs are completed.
- [Relentless Replication Encounter] now grants credits upon completion as intended.
- [Eternity Vault] Players can no longer fall on an invisible area in the center of the arena after Soa destroys the platform that would cause an instant character death.
- The “Nature of Progress” and “R4 Anomaly” missions are no longer displayed as story missions in the mission tracker.
- Players can no longer fall through a staircase gap in the Athiss Flashpoint.
- The Midnight Rakghoul will now spawn in the Kaon Under Siege Flashpoint when the event is active.
- The doorways in the Rishi Stronghold are no longer blocked by boxes.
- Updated certain Stronghold Label descriptions to accurately describe that said labels are applied to all characters in the Legacy.