Game Update 4.3: Visions in the Dark
Chapter XII: Visions in the Dark! Confront Valkorion in the wilderness of Odessen as the Alliance prepares to undertake a life-and-death mission to the heart of the Eternal Empire. Players who were subscribed on April 1st have immediate access to this new Chapter, and it will be available for all other Subscribers on Thursday, April 7th.
Ranked Warzone Arena Season 7 has started! Get in there and go berserk!
New Warzone: Odessen Proving Grounds! Train with another mixed-faction Alliance team by vying for control of multiple control sectors in this new Odessen-based Warzone! Use power ups to turn the battle in your favor!
New Warzone Arena: Rishi Cove Arena! This new Warzone Arena hosts 4v4 Death matches in both Ranked and Unranked queues.
New Gameplay Option: Focus! Both PvP and PvE instances are now available on any server, allowing friends who prefer any gameplay type to play together on the same server. Players can toggle their focus via the mini-map icon.
Unlock additional Strongholds! You can now activate all 5 Strongholds for use by your Legacy!
More Flagship Decorations! Starting hook count for Republic and Imperial Flagships has been increased to 300 Decorations (+50%).
Set Favorite Mounts and Vehicles! Players can now select their Favorite Mounts and Vehicles by right-clicking it or by going to the Mount or Vehicle tab in the Ability window. The “Summon Random Mount” ability will only use your Favorites once they are selected.
Bounty Contract Week Returns!Hunt wanted criminals in this returning event. The event begins April 19th at 04:00 PST/12:00 GMT and ends April 26th at 04:00 PST/12:00 GMT.
- Guilds can now have up to 1000 members (up from 500).
- Guild Members can now be sorted by Legacy in order to group Characters that share a Legacy together.
- Guild Leaders can now mark individual Characters as a “Main” Character of a Legacy.
- The Guild tab has been removed from the Social UI.
- Added additional information to the Guild UI if a Character is not currently in a Guild.
- Fixed a bug that caused Guild Bonus Tooltips to not close when the Guild UI is closed.
- Players can now add a single space in their character name, e.g. "John Smith."
- Common Decoration limits have been increased to 999 (up from 50). Limited Decorations have not been changed.
- Maximum Character name length has been increased to 20 (up from 16).
- When using the "/who" command, if there are less than 10 results, the results are returned to the chat window instead of opening the Search interface. This behavior can be changed in Preferences.
- The “/who” command retains the previous search information in the Search interface.
- Start @ 60 Characters that were incorrectly granted the Chapter 3 Legacy Unlock for that class (and the associated Legendary Status completion credit) have had it removed.
- It is no longer possible to use Conquest-exclusive mounts outside of conquered areas.
- Using Alt-Tab while using an Intel HD 4600 on Windows 10 no longer causes a crash.
- Koth’s dialogue in the first scene of Chapter IV now plays as expected in French and German clients.
- Missing Herald of Zildrog and Knight of Zakuul lines from Chapters VII and VIII now play as expected in French and German clients.
- Corrected the description of Hylo Visz’s Rank 20 Achievement to indicate that it requires Rank 20.
- Aric Jorgan is now listed in the correct Alliance category.
- Reduced the brightness of the light flicker on the Quick Travel ability.
- The K’lor’slug Soldier Companion stats and health have been increased to match other creature Companions.
- Fixed a typo in the description of the K’lor’slug Soldier’s Deafening Cry ability.
- Start @ 60 Characters will no longer be refunded if the character engages in meaningful play, such as completing Missions or Chapters, participating in Flashpoints, or Crafting.
Items + Economy
- Dark Matter Catalysts can now be purchased from the Smuggled Supplies Vendor on Odessen.
- All HK Subscriber Rewards have been added to Collections.
- The Commemorative Statue of Revan dropped from the Temple of Sacrifice has been renamed the “Commemorative Statue of Revan the Returned.”
- The Zakuulan Information Terminal Decoration no longer stops rotating.
- The SI-04 Imperial Scout Paint Job now correctly unlocks in Galactic Starfighter.
- Players who lost HK-51 and Treek customizations after updating to 4.1 have had the items returned to their inventory.