Game Update 4.6: The GEMINI Deception
Chapter XV: The GEMINI Deception! Lead a daring assault on one of Arcann’s warships in a bid to seize control of the entire Eternal Fleet! Players subscribed on June 1st have immediate access to this new Chapter, and it will be available for all other Subscribers on June 30th.
New Event: Dark vs. Light! Join a galactic event and choose between the dark side and the light side to earn epic rewards in celebration of SWTOR’s 5-year anniversary!
New Character Perks! Portable Cargo Hold, Portable Legacy Cargo Hold, and Companion Gift use time reduction – see below for full details!
Relics of the Gree is back! The Gray Secant has been spotted on Ilum, which means only one thing: The Relics of the Gree Event is back! From June 28th at 4:00AM PDT/12:00PM BST to July 5th at 4:00AM PDT/12:00PM BST, Black Bisectors are called upon to lend a hand!
Bounty Contract Week Returns! Hunt wanted criminals in this returning event. The event begins July 12th at 4:00AM PDT/12:00PM BST and ends July 19th at 4:00AM PDT/12:00PM BST.
- New Character Perk: Portable Cargo Hold! Summon a Portable Cargo Hold droid to your current location that provides access to your ship’s Cargo Hold. The cooldown can be reduced by upgrading the droid (down to 30 minutes). This perk is purchasable in the Legacy UI.
- New Character Perk: Portable Legacy Cargo Hold! Summon a Portable Legacy Cargo Hold droid to your current location that provides Legacy Cargo Hold access. The cooldown can be reduced by upgrading the droid (down to 30 minutes). This perk is purchasable in the Legacy UI.
- New Character Perk: Companion Gift Cast Time Reduction! Reduce the use time of Companion Gifts by 20% per level (up to 60%). This perk is purchasable in the Legacy UI.
- Achievements have been added for attaining Level 65 and max level Crew Skills. These Achievements will not be granted retroactively until Game Update 4.7.
- The Organa Castle Quick Travel Point now unlocks when players discover its location.
- The House Alde Library Quick Travel Point now unlocks when players discover the location.
- Outfit preview now correctly displays unified colors.
Flashpoints + Operations
False Emperor
- Fixed an issue where Prototype A-15 and Prototype B-16 would periodically be able to kill players in one shot despite following the mechanics of the fight correctly.
Items + Economy
- Sniper’s Ambush visual effect now lines up properly with the Revanite Professional Sniper Rifle and the Revanite Field Tech Sniper Rifles.
Missions + NPCs
- Experience gained from the following Missions now scales with the Player’s level:
- Down with the Queen
- Chaos at the Droid Factory
- Marked Man
- Dark Science
- A Family Concern
- Atypical Tactics
- Introduction to Warzones
- Introduction to Starfighter
- Ashara will no longer use melee attacks from ranged after using her leap ability.
- All Companion DPS execution abilities have been normalized to have a 20 second cooldown.
- Companions no longer fire crowd control abilities at targets that have Boss immunity.
- Fixed the typo in all “Preventive Measure” Companion abilities.
- Skadge can now only equip one melee weapon.
- The Sith Inquisitor Mission "Preparations" now awards the item "Kallig's Countenance." This is a new version of the item that is moddable and Legacy-bound. Existing version of the items have not been updated.
- The phase to the Mission “[Heroic 2+] Rock Eaters” no longer allows players who are on the incorrect Mission step into the area.
- Reduced the Credit reward amount of all Heroic Missions.