Game Update 6.0a
Game Update 6.0a
Cartel Market
- The HK-55 Chapter "Shroud of Memory" will now unlock for a player's account as intended.
- Removed the Shroud of Memory icon from the Legacy Window.
- Kai Zykken has learned the value of customer service (kind of) and will now face the player during his introduction cinematic.
- Corrected a number of issues where characters that were killed due to player choice appeared in cinematics.
- Using a Commander's Token to begin the Jedi Under Siege storyline will no longer play the original Class Story intro in some situations.
- Characters who did not receive their Conquest rewards with Onslaught's launch will find them waiting in their inventory.
- Restored hairstyle 3 for female human and cyborg Bounty Hunters.
- Lowered the frequency and rewards of Slicing boxes on Onderon.
- General Chat now functions on Onderon.
Classes +Combat
Jedi Knight
- Force Leap's cooldown is now reset by Preparation and Force Push as intended.
Vigilance Tacticals
- The Tactical item “Hemophilic Slash” now refreshes damage over time effects off of Blade Barrage (previously Slash)."
Sith Warrior
- Force Charge's cooldown is now reset by Seething Hatred and Force Push as intended.
Vengeance Tacticals
- "The Tactical item “Hemophilic Slash” now refreshes damage over time effects off of Ravage (previously Vicious Slash).
Flashpoints + Operations + Uprisings
Objective Meridian
- Corrected the level that a player can access Objective Meridian:
- Story – Level 75
- Veteran – Level 15
- Master –a Level 75
- Players can no longer use travel abilities to re-enter the final platform of the Objective Meridian Flashpoint after dying.
- Clicking "Travel" for the Objective Meridian Mission now takes players to the Flashpoint as intended.
- The character conversation that triggers before the end of Objective Meridian in Story Mode will no longer hang indefinitely.
- Corrected an issue where in rare circumstances a player who died during the final encounter of Objective Meridian cannot complete the Flashpoint.
- Group Finder will no longer set Operations groups to 16-player difficulty.
- Group Finder now looks for the intended class distribution for 8-player Operations (4 DPS, 2 Tanks, 2 Healers)
The Nature of Progress
- The second boss in "The Nature of Progress” Operation once again drops loot.
- The Floor Wash action once again removes the acid puddles during the Apex Vanguard encounter of "The Nature of Progress".
Items + Economy
- Satele's Dualsaber and the Cathar Warstaff have had their appearances restored.
- The vendor V1C-ORY on the fleet now has a price listed for the Balmorra Victory Sign Stronghold Decoration.
- Telekinetic Sages will now receive Class, Advanced Class, and Role drops from all sources.
Missions + NPCs
- Corrected an issue where the one of the Ship Log Datapads does not spawn as intended for the Onderon Mission "Combing the Wreckage".
- The Ommin Exoskeleton no longer appears underground for the Onderon Mission "Onderon Collector".
- The Objective Meridian Mission can now be shared with eligible players.
- Player controlled walkers during Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapters and Iokath Story Missions have had their health greatly increased.
- Players who have Darth Vowrawn as Emperor will no longer see him sitting in the same seat as Darth Shaar.
- Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne Story Chapters now issue rewards appropriate to their level.