Game Update 2.3.2 Patch Notes
- New Vehicle! The Desler Nomad is a new rare drop from the final boss of all level 55 Hard Mode Flashpoints.
- Vendor Update! Emergency Medical Table and Mood: Outraged have been added to the Bounty Supply Company Vendor. Each item is bind on pickup and available for 1 credit to all players, regardless of Bounty Supply Company Reputation rank.
Cartel Market
- The MR-36 Sniper Rifle is now a Super Rare item.
- Players can now purchase standard single-use White and White Dye Modules individually on the Cartel Market! (Available only on September 7th) Cost: 1000 Cartel Coins.
- Players can now purchase standard single-use Black and Black Dye Modules individually on the Cartel Market! (Available only on September 7th) Cost: 2000 Cartel Coins.
- A new Emote is now available on the Cartel Market! Complete your musical group with the Emote: Sing unlock. Cost: 400 Cartel Coins.
- A new Emote is now available on the Cartel Market! Watch as a strange force possesses your mind with the Emote: Possessed unlock. Cost: 400 Cartel Coins.
- The Chocolate and Skull-Faced Lobel pets can now be placed on the GTN.
New Items
**Please note that Cartel Market updates are dynamic. Changes listed in Patch Notes may take effect up to several days after the patch is made available.**Bug Fixes
- The GTN terminal that is unlocked via Global Legacy Perk has been moved to be closer to the Cargo Hold and Guild Bank on the Defender (Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular ship).
- Resolved an instance where players could experience a twitchy or swinging camera when moving the mouse.
- There is now a Warning Dialogue Box when attempting to send in-game mail to an "Unsafe Recipient". An "Unsafe Recipient" is any character name that is not in the sender's Guild, Friend List, or Legacy. This warning can be toggled via Preferences.
- Experience and Valor penalties for Free to Play players now apply beginning at level 20 instead of level 10.
- Made adjustments to Kingpin Bounty Contracts:
- These contracts now grant a Bounty Brokers Association Official Token of Exemplary Achievement (Purple Reputation Token) as opposed to a Bounty Brokers Association Official Certificate of Accomplishment (Blue Reputation Token).
- Individual Kingpin Bounty Contracts can be completed only one time during each Bounty Contract Week.
- Characters above level 27 are no longer able to accept Hutta and Ord Mantell Bounty Contracts.
- Music now fades to the background properly for Republic players during Bounty Contract Week conversations.
Bounty Contract Week
Companion Characters
- Treek now summons as intended in all instances.
- Treek's dialogue outside of cinematics has been corrected. She now has more than one thing to say and no longer requests conversations on the ship when one is not available.
- Collections now refers to the "Bounty Supply Company" instead of "Bounty Supply Corp." to match the proper Galactic Reputation Faction name listed in the Legacy Menu.
- Several items have been updated to correctly indicate rarity.
- The Frogdog Practice Jersey can now be previewed in Collections.
- The Mercenary Contract (that grants the mission to obtain Treek) has been removed from the Toys section and now only appears in the Special section of the Collections Window.
- Once the account-wide unlock for Emote: Flourish is purchased, the reclaim button locks as intended and no longer allows an additional purchase.
- The Emergency Medical Table updated in Collections to display under the Toys and Bounty Supply Company Reputation categories, and this item no longer indicates that it can be obtained via the Cartel Market or unlocked account wide.
- Mood: Outraged has been updated to display in Collections under the Emotes and Bounty Supply Company Reputation categories, and this item no longer indicates that it can be obtained via the Cartel Market or unlocked account wide.
Flashpoints and Operations
- Republic players are now granted the appropriate alignment points in Hard Mode.
- Group Finder now matches the first four players of any role for this Flashpoint, as it is now role-neutral at levels 10-14.
- Group Finder now matches the first four players of any role for this Flashpoint, as it is now role-neutral at levels 10-14.
Black Talon
Items and Economy
- New Vehicle! The Desler Nomad is a new rare drop from the final boss of all level 55 Hard Mode Flashpoints.
- Vendor Update! Emergency Medical Table and Mood: Outraged have been added to the Bounty Supply Company Vendor. Each item is bind on pickup and available for 1 credit to all players, regardless of Bounty Supply Company Reputation rank.
- All levels of the Global Legacy Unlock: Fleet Pass have been adjusted:
- The base cooldown for the Fleet Pass ability is now 9 hours for subscribers.
- The base cooldown for the Fleet Pass ability is now 12 hours for non-subscribers.
- Legacy Fleet Pass I, II, and III now reduce the ability cooldown by 3 hours each.
- All levels of the Global Legacy Unlock: Legacy Travel and the Quick Travel ability have been adjusted:
- The base cooldown for subscribers is now 25 minutes.
- The base cooldown for non-subscribers is now 45 minutes.
- Legacy Travel I, II, and III now reduce the ability cooldown by 5 minutes each.
- New Legacy Unlock! Players can now purchase a Guild Bank for their personal starship under Global Unlocks: Other.
- Some Achievements no longer display in the Achievement Window as though they are complete, when all requirements have not been met. These Achievements will no longer appear as stuck in the Achievement Tracker in some cases.
- The Hoth Achievement "Whiteout" now correctly refers to the Pantran Whitefang World Boss as "Snowblind."
- The Hoth Achievement "Hell Hoth No Fury" now correctly refers to the Pantran Whitefang World Boss as "Snowblind" and no longer claims to have a 30 minute time limit.
- Players will receive the correct Achievement for completing these Explosive Conflict Operations encounters:
- Firebrand and Stormcaller on 8-Person Hard Mode
- Firebrand and Stormcaller on 16-Person Story Mode
- Colonel Vorgath on 16-Person Story Mode
Missions and NPCs
- Updated the mission text for several missions to indicate that players must use their personal starship on steps that require travel to Coruscant or Dromund Kaas.
- [DAILY] Galactic Conflicts and [VEHICLE] Aratech Ice: These missions now update properly upon completing the Esseles Flashpoint on Hard Mode.
- [WEEKLY] Czerka Takeover (Republic)/[WEEKLY] Czerka Dissolution: The mission text now refers to the faction-appropriate Anti-Toxin mission.
- Anti-Toxin Recovery (Republic)/Anti-Toxin Acquisition (Imperial): Updated the Mission Log and Tracker text to properly point players to the Mission Dropbox upon completion.
- Joy Ride: Players are now informed that Mako is required for the step "Slice the Ship's Door" if a different Companion Character is active.
- Public Relations: The bonus mission "The Price of Betrayal" no longer advances by defeating enemies other than the intended Treacherous Republic Troops.
- The Republic Soldier on Hoth's Clabburn Base now understands that gravity should affect him and is no longer floating.
- Tauntaun Handlers see the diverse value of their product and no longer refer to their Tauntauns as military "hardware" or "arsenals".
- PvP Vendors in the Outlaw's Den now have voices and move their lips. Bounty Contract Week
- Kreegan Ramar, the Tatooine Kingpin Bounty, now uses voice modulation when speaking.
Daily Area Missions
Class Missions
Bounty Hunter
- Players who log out or are disconnected while in a Warzone queue no longer become stuck in the queue on all characters.
- Upon initially entering a Warzone, ability tooltips now display the correct amount of damage dealt.
- All Imperial players can now reach the lore object to obtain the "Invasion of Balmorra" Codex entry, as it has been moved just inside the Balmorran Arms Factory.
- Players who manage to suffer the horrid fate of death by Sarlacc digestion are now granted the Codex entry and Title "Worm Food."
- Defeating the Unleashed Maelstrom Terentatek within the Maelstrom Prison Flashpoint now grants Republic players a Species Codex entry.
- Terentatek have been removed from the Tython Bestiary requirements.
- Players are now able to unlock the "Ithorian" Species Codex entry.
- The tourism board of Makeb has corrected an error in their system, and the Planetary Codex entry is now available to visitors.
- The following Codex entries have been moved to a new "Lost Knowledge" category and no longer count towards planet totals:
- Champion of House Thul (Alderaan)
- Conqueror of Balmorra
- Master of the Burning Way (Belsavis)
- Conqueror of Corellia
- Liberator of Corellia
- Ice Wars Veteran (Hoth)
- Of the Bane Brigade (Hoth)
- Shadow Hunter (Nar Shaddaa)
- Scourge of the Underworld (Nar Shaddaa)
- Venom Drinker (Quesh)
- Venomous (Quesh)
- SIS Operative (Tatooine)
- Primeval Explorer (Tatooine)
- Mandalorian Bane (Taris)
- Scorcher of Worlds (Taris)
- Ambassador of the Republic (Voss)
- Ambassador of the Empire (Voss)
- Updated the Belsavis World Map to include additional roads in the Tomb area.
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
- Imperial players can now access the Quick Travel Bind Point for Tarisian Dawn on Taris.
- Corrected a rare issue that would prevent characters who had not logged in for a time from loading into the game.
- Class names will now display the proper feminine form in most instances in French and German.