Game Update 7.5a
Game Update 7.5a
- The inventory icon for Hypercrate: Ultimate Cartel Pack has been corrected.
- The progress bar is no longer missing on the page that is currently in progress for Galactic & PvP Seasons.
- The Spring Abundance Festival Mission terminal on the Fleet has had its appearance updated to look like a standard Mission terminal and it has moved slightly to avoid collision with other event Mission terminals. It can still be found in the stairwell intersections of the Fleets.
- The final cutscene of KotFE chapter XI: Disavowed can now be completed as intended.
- Sana-Rae is no longer missing from the Alliance Base during KotFE Chapter IX: The Alliance, allowing the Mission to progress as intended.
- Corrected an issue where in rare instances killing enemies in a specific order would block mission progression.
- Lana and Koth’s Date Nights can now be completed as intended.
- The Sith Inquisitor Mission “Vengeance” can now be progressed past the Access Wilkes’s Base step.
- Interacting with the cache for the Mission “Spoils to the Victor” will now correctly progress the Mission.
- The Recommended tab in the Cartel Market can now list more than one page of items.
- Fixed the vendor window not appearing if the player has disabled Movable Windows.
- This will reintroduce an issue where the "What's In the Patch" window will display on the left side of the screen instead of centered.
- Added an icon for the Ventures category in Legacy Achievements Overview Window.
- Achievements are no longer missing their icons and descriptions when the "What's in the Patch" window is used to access the Legacy window.
- Character portraits and conversion group rolls icons now appear in group conversations as intended.
- Ri’kan’s mouth now moves when he speaks during the “Sundering” cinematic.