Galactic Starfighter Early Access
Galactic Starfighter Early Access
Game Update 2.5: Galactic Starfighter Early Access
- Galactic Starfighter Subscriber Early Access is here! Starting today, all subscribers have early access to 12 vs 12, free flight, player vs player dogfighting. Players from level 1-55 will be able to pilot their very own starship and customize it to match their playstyle. With multiple ship roles, paint jobs, blaster, and engine colors, you have plenty of options to choose from. We’ll see you in space!
Galactic Starfighter
- Access the Galactic Starfighter Hangar Bay by clicking the Ship Icon on the in-game minimap.
- Players can queue solo or as a group for free-flight 12 v 12 PvP Battles in the first Galactic Starfighter gameplay type: Domination!
- During Domination, players fight to control multiple satellites. Points are awarded according to how many satellites each team controls, and the first team to reach 1000 points earns victory.
- Two Domination Maps!
- Lost Shipyards: A critical Imperial starship construction and repair yard hidden within an uncharted asteroid field has come under attack by Republic Starfighter forces, who are eager to cut off such a critical piece of the Imperial fleet’s support network. Naturally, the Empire has been quick to deploy their own Starfighter reinforcements to defend the shipyard from this enemy incursion.
- Kuat Mesas: A massive ore mining and shipping complex located in a high-altitude region of cliffs and mesas, the Kuat Minedrome is a natural target for Imperial forces looking to interrupt production at the Kuat Drive Yards. When the ground offensive is stalled by Republic defenders, both sides call in Starfighter support to break the stalemate and achieve ultimate victory.
- Highly customizable Starfighters available:
- The Scout – Fast, agile, and maneuverable. Scouts make up for their lack of armor and shielding with incredible elusiveness.
- The Strike Fighter – The backbone of any squadron. Strike Fighters are versatile, capable of both great offensive and defensive abilities. Very balanced Starfighters against both enemies and objectives.
- The Gunship – The first Galactic Starfighter support role. These long-range ships are perfect for softening up an objective’s defenses or taking out enemy Starfighters engaged with your allies.
- Spend earned Requisition to customize and upgrade Starfighters in the Hangar Bay.
- Full in-game playable tutorial! Learn the basics of Galactic Starfighter flight, combat, and objective capturing! The tutorial allows players to shed the constraints of battle, and teaches using a series of informative pop-ups during free flight. Players can access the tutorial by clicking on the "?" button near the top right of the Galactic Starfighter Hangar.
- Capital ships from the Republic and Imperial fleets have arrived in the skies of Coruscant and Dromund Kaas to provide logistical support for Galactic Starfighter pilots. Starfighter Hangar Consoles can be found on Corsucant and Dromund Kaas.
- Corrected various typos found in subtitles during the Bounty Contract Week event.
- Corrected a typo during the space mission Zosha Advance to more accurately reflect the mission objectives.
- Corrected various typos found in subtitles during the Sith Warrior, Trooper, and Smuggler story missions.
- The cinematic that plays when you exit from your ship to the Imperial or Republic fleet has been updated.
Cartel Market
- A host of new Galactic Starfighter items have been added to the Cartel Market; check the new Starfighter tab to see them all!
- The new “Hypercrate: Shipment 1 Cartel Packs” is here! This Hypercrate contains the following packs: 6 Crime Lord’s, 6 Blockade Runner’s, 6 Skip Tracer’s, and 6 Space Pirate’s. Price: 7680 Cartel Coins. (Temporarily discounted by 10% to 6912 Cartel Coins!)
- The Black Market and Crime Lord’s Cartel Packs are back in the Cartel Market for only two weeks, they will be once again embargoed on December 17th.
New Items
Classes and Combat
- Cleanse is now defined as an effect which removes a limited number of a certain type (or types) of negative effects, usually Force or Tech, from the target.
- Purge is now defined as an effect which removes all negative dispellable effects of a certain type (or types) from the target (usually self).
- Many ability tooltips have been updated to properly indicate whether an ability cleanses or purges negative effects from a target.
Combat Terminology
- Debilitation has been added to the Vigilance Skill Tree and provides a 50/100% chance to immobilize the target for the duration of Master Strike.
- The stacking buff provided by Juyo Form now lasts 24 seconds (up from 15) and can be applied once every second (down from every 1.5 seconds).
- Inspiration and Transcendence no longer prevent the Sentinel from becoming Centered while they are active.
- Inspiration now affects the player’s entire Operation group up to 40 meters away from the Sentinel (up from 30 meters). Additionally, Inspiration applies a debuff which lasts for five minutes on all affected group members. This debuff prevents affected players from regaining Inspiration while it is active.
- Guarded by the Force now has a 2 minute cooldown (up from 1 minute and 30 seconds).
- The health for Guarded by the Force is now spent when the damage reducing effect expires, rather than when it begins. The cost remains at 50% of current player health.
- Enduring no longer increases damage reduction but still reduces the cooldown of Guarded by the Force by 15/30 seconds.
- Force Health no longer interacts with Guarded by the Force. It now permanently increases passive damage reduction by 1/2% and still builds 1/2 Focus when Twin Saber Throw is used. Watchman
- The stacking "Merciless" buff provided by Merciless Slash now lasts 24 seconds (up from 15).
Jedi Knight
- Overwhelm has been added to the Vengeance Skill Tree and provides a 50/100% chance to immobilize the target for the duration of Ravage.
- The stacking buff provided by Juyo Form now lasts 24 seconds (up from 15) and can be applied once every second (down from every 1.5 seconds).
- Bloodthirst and Predation no longer prevent the Marauder from building Fury while they are active.
- Bloodthirst now affects the player’s entire Operation Group up to 40 meters away from the Marauder (up from 30 meters). Additionally, the ability now applies a debuff which lasts for five minutes on all affected group members and prevents affected players from regaining Bloodthirst while it is active.
- Undying Rage now has a 2 minute cooldown (up from 1 minute and 30 seconds).
- The health for Undying Rage is now spent when the damage reducing effect expires, rather than when it begins. The cost remains at 50% of current player health.
- Undying no longer increases damage reduction but still reduces the cooldown of Undying Rage by 15/30 seconds.
- Force Vigor no longer interacts with Undying Rage. It now permanently increases passive damage reduction by 1/2% and still builds 1/2 Rage when Dual Saber Throw is used. Annihilation
- The stacking "Annihilator" buff provided by Annihilate now lasts 24 seconds (up from 15).
Sith Warrior
- Slightly increased the damage dealt by Double Strike.
- In addition to previous effects, Psychic Absorption now prevents the damage-over-time effects applied by Sever Force, Mind Crush, and Weaken Mind from being cleansed.
- Combat Technique no longer heals the Shadow. The ability now increases armor rating by 130% (up from 115%) and deals additional threat when it damages an enemy target.
- Slightly increased the damage dealt by Whirling Blow.
- While Battle Readiness is active, the active Technique now heals the Shadow when it triggers its effect.
- Shadow Strike has had its cost reduced to 40 Force (down from 50).
- Three stacks of Harnessed Shadows no longer cause the Shadow to be healed when Telekinetic Throw deals damage. Instead, the skill grants Shadow Protection, which increases damage reduction by 1%. Shadow Protection stacks up to four times and lasts 12 seconds.
- Rapid Recovery has been renamed Elusiveness and has been redesigned: the skill now increases the armor rating Combat Technique grants by an additional 10%/20%.
- Elusiveness has been renamed Rapid Recovery; the skill’s effects have not changed.
- Shadow Wrap now additionally grants 2/4 stacks of Shadow Protection when the Shadow exits stealth.
- Slightly increased the damage dealt by Clairvoyant Strike.
- In addition to previous effects, Psychic Absorption now prevents the damage-over-time effects applied by Sever Force, Force Breach, and Mind Crush from being cleansed.
Jedi Consular
Kinetic Combat
- Slightly increased the damage dealt by Thrash.
- Purge has been renamed to Expunge; the ability’s functionality has not changed.
- In addition to previous effects, Devour now prevents the damage-over-time effects applied by Creeping Terror, Crushing Darkness, and Affliction from being cleansed.
- Dark Charge no longer heals the Assassin. The ability now increases armor rating by 130% (up from 115%) and generates additional threat when damaging an enemy target.
- Slightly increased the damage dealt by Lacerate.
- While Overcharge Saber is active, Lightsaber charges now heal the Assassin when they trigger their effects.
- Maul has had its cost reduced to 40 Force (down from 50).
- Three stacks of Harnessed Darkness no longer cause the Assassin to be healed when Force Lightning deals damage. Instead, the skill grants Dark Protection, which increases damage reduction by 1%. Dark Protection stacks up to four times and lasts 12 seconds.
- Swelling Shadows has been redesigned: the skill now increases the armor rating granted by Dark Charge by an additional 10/20%.
- Conspirator's Cloak now additionally grants 2/4 stacks of Dark Protection when the Assassin exits stealth.
- Slightly increased the damage dealt by Voltaic Slash.
- In addition to previous effects, Devour now prevents the damage-over-time effects applied by Creeping Terror, Discharge, and Crushing Darkness from being cleansed.
Sith Inquisitor
- Increased the damage dealt by Overload Shot.
- Operatives are now able to be charged and pulled by other players while in Cover.
Imperial Agent
- Increased the damage dealt by Quick Shot.
- Scoundrels are now able to be charged and pulled by other players while in Cover.
- The tooltip for Railshot has been updated to indicate that the ability does more damage when the player is dual wielding. (Damage was increased in Game Update 2.4)
Bounty Hunter
Items and Economy
- The Life Day Orb now correctly regenerates health at the same rate as other rest and recharge items.
- Species unlocks purchased from the Cartel Market will now properly display that they are bound temporarily in their tooltip.
- Corrected various Cartel Market item typos.
- Stats have been removed from the following companion vibroknife item shells, resulting in lower stats overall:
- Gault’s BR-36 Vibroknife
- Mako’s BR-36 Vibroknife
- Quinn’s BR-36 Vibroknife
- Talos’s BR-36 Vibroknife
- Lokin’s BR-36 Vibroknife
- The in-game mail, tooltip, collections icon, and ability name for the mini-pet “Flashfire” have been updated to show the correct name, the “NovaDive.”
- The “S-12 Blackbolt” minipet has been updated to show the correct name, the “S-13 Sting.”
- Obroan Relics of Devastating Vengeance, Serendipitous Assault, and Focused Retaliation have had their triggered stat effect increased to 625.
- Dread Forged Relics of Devastating Vengeance, Serendipitous Assault, and Focused Retaliation have had their triggered stat effect increased to 740.
- Updated icons onthe Oricon Reputation vendor to more accurately reflect their items descriptions.
- The Black Market Boltblaster MK-1 Generator has been added to the Bounty Hunter Basic Gear Vendor.
- A new rest-and-recharge item has been added to the Gree reputation vendors. The Gree Digitization Cube can be purchased for 6 Gray Helix Components. It requires Hero rank.
Missions and NPCs
- The Bothrium Beast on Oricon will now have the correct sound effects.
- Corrected an issue where a player was able to enter the mission phase for the Dread Engines, False Paradise, and The Tower’s Core after making it to the “return to the mission dropbox” step.
- Hailstorm Survivalists on Hoth will have a greater chance of surviving as they are now correctly equipped with a melee weapon.
- The holoterminal on the player’s ship will now correctly display the “mission available” icon when a new story mission is available.
Class Quests
- Xenoanalyst II has enabled his vocal processing chip and now speaks throughout the encounter.
- Xenoanalyst II has been rebalanced in all difficulty modes. Story mode is now easier to tank and more forgiving overall. Holographic creature adds have had their damage and health adjusted in both modes.
Gree Event
- Four new items have been added to the Repair Astromech vendor which you can unlock on your ship. These items modify your ship’s Operation Training Dummy and they are:
- Training Dummy Basic Health Modulator - Gives your training dummy 500,000 health and removes the Dummy's health regeneration.
- Training Dummy Standard Health Modulator - Gives your training dummy 1,000,000 health and removes the Dummy's health regeneration.
- Training Dummy Advanced Health Modulator - Gives your training dummy 1,500,000 health and removes the Dummy's health regeneration.
- Training Dummy Armor Reduction Module - Debuffs your training dummy's armor by 20%
- New Legacy Unlock: Raid Markers – They are available for 375,000 credits at Legacy level 20 or 300 Cartel Coins.
- Achievements have been added for the Life Day event.
- Achievements have been added for the Rakghoul Resurgence event.
- A new Reputation has been added to the Galactic Reputation tab. T.H.O.R.N. (The Hyland Organization for Rakghoul Neutralization) is a GSI-affiliate dedicated to studying and eradicating all traces of the Rakghoul plague from the galaxy. T.H.O.R.N. should be unnecessary as the Rakghoul outbreak was clearly eliminated from the Galaxy...
- Makeb Mesa, a new Arena map, has been added to the Ranked and unranked Warzone queues! This additional map does not increase the probability of an Arena being selected as the game type for unranked Warzones.