Community News


Community Round-Up: October 12th, 2012


Welcome to this week’s Community Round-Up. Each week, we scour the forums, fan sites, and reddit, finding some of the most interesting discussions in the community as well as player-created events happening on certain servers in The Old Republic™.

If you have nominations for next week’s Round-Up, please post them in this thread. Please remember the Community Round-Up blog is meant to highlight interesting, productive discussions and server events - not the most talked about forum threads.

Let’s begin!


Server Events

Get to know the community on your server by participating in player-created events. Below are some occurring this week! We have updated our Server Forums so be sure to check out the Server Forums to find other events happening on your individual server.

  • [Gav Daragon] <Force Crusdaers> Meet and greet: “Hello everyone, GM of Force Crusaders here. We will be having an ingame meet and greet in the Catina on Nar Shaddaar. All existing and past members are welcome to come along. It will be on Saturday 13th of October (This Saturday) at 8pm AEDST.”
  • [Gav Daragon] Community Event - Republic Class Championship: “The guild Dawn are hosting a class duelling championship to find out who is the best at their class in the entire Republic and offering 1 million credits in prizemoney! When: Sunday 14th October from 12noon (AEDST). Where: Senate Plaza, Coruscant.”
  • [Jedi Convenant] Extra Life Event!!!!!!!: “Hello Jedi Covenant. I am Batmace with the Legion of Shadows. On Oct 20th members of this guild and myself will be doing Extra Life and wanted to see if other players on this guild would like to give a helping hand. If you do not know this event, its a yearly event to help raise money for the Children's Hospital Network by simply PLAYING VIDEO GAMES! For 24 hours show your support. LoS will be having competitions through out the night to include FP, Warzones, ect.”
  • [Jung Ma] RP Social - Saturdays at 10pm EST: “I wanted to let everyone know that Jen'jidai hosts a social RP scheduled weekly at 10:00 PM EST every Saturday on Nar Shaddaa, at the Lower Promenade Cantina. Though this started as a guild activity, it is open-invitation and we would love to see others attend.”
  • [Jung Ma] Alpha Company RP-Patrol Schedule: In order to encourage free-form RP (both cross faction and same faction) we are beginning to do an RP Patrol Mon-Thurs every week at the following times and locations. I will update the list as it changes. Monday: Tatooine 8:00PM EST. Tuesday: Hoth 8:00PM EST. Wednesday: Alderaan 8:00PM EST. Thursday: Belsavis 8:00PM EST.”
  • [Jung Ma] Ranked Warzone Nights -- MON/WED @ 8PM-12AM EST: “I am calling for all guilds to queue for ranked warzones every Monday and Wednesday evening from 8PM EST to 12AM EST!”
  • [Jung Ma] Weekly Event: The Jundland Swoop Race!:Dates: Tuesday night, weekly. Time: 9pm EST. Organizer: Joro, Republic Trooper.”
  • [Prophecy of the Five] Weekly PvP Event Schedule! (World PvP): “This event schedule does not begin until Saturday, October 20th, 2012 which will begin with the Third Saturday of the month. This is a list of the weekly PvP Event schedule for Open World PvP. This will be every Saturday Night at 8:00pm Eastern Time. On certain months that have Five Saturdays, the fifth Saturday will be off.”
  • [Prophecy of the Five] <Firestorm> Will be hosting a war on ilum.:Firestorm will be hosting a war on ilum. I have not set a date yet however im thinking either Sat the 10/20 or Friday the 10/26. I will have more details later with an official post but wanted to get some ideas first and gauge the interest level.”
  • [The Bastion] Ranked Warzone "Kickball-style" Saturday Oct. 13: “I will be organizing some RWZ queues on Saturday Oct 13 starting at 2pm CST (12 PST). We will start by inviting 16 people to an operations group, and then dividing the group into two separate groups. This will allow us to guarantee queue pops. If one team is consistently winning (because we will actually try to compete), then members of each team will be moved around to ensure that the games actually feel competitive. Hopefully, we can get this together and working, but I will need your help. Please tell your friends! All are welcome, and we will be using ventrilo.”
  • [The Ebon Hawk] Pax's Server-Wide 3-v-3 Team Tournament Oct 27th: “Pax Imperius (Empire) and Pax Dominus (Republic) will be hosting a server-wide tournament at the Outlaw’s Den on Tatooine. We encourage spectators, and all are welcome to attend. We do ask that a cease-fire be observed during, and in proximity of, the event. When: Saturday, October 27th, 2200 (10pm) EST.”
  • [The Ebon Hawk] Reckoner's 4v4 3v3 2v2 1v1 Tournament 50K Entry fee: “This event will happen Saturday october 20th 5PM est. Winner of each tournament will will win the entry fee that each player pays for.”
  • [The Red Eclipse] Spark Of Insanity World PvP Event (18/10/2012): “Starting Thursday 18th October Spark of Insanity will once again be running world pvp on this servers, any of you that know us from Nightmare Lands will be aware we ran World PvP on our server.”
  • [The Shadowlands] <Widowmakers> Public +10 All Stats Imperial Datacron Run (3pm, 14 Oct 12): “<Widowmakers> is hosting a +10 All Stats Imperial Datacron run free to the public. This 3pm run is being held in cooperation with the <Old Timers Guild> free 5pm Republic run.”
  • [The Shadowlands] Old Timers Guild +10 Datacron Run 10/14 5PM EST (All are welcome): “We will be doing another public +10 Datacron run on Sunday, October 14th at 5PM EST. Meet us in the museum on the Gav Daragon ship off the fleet. Once on the Gav, take the elevator to the bridge deck then head to the south end where you will find another elevator that goes up to the museum. Before entering the hallway to the datacron room, you need to get a blue crystal to get the datacron.”
  • [Tomb of Freedon Nadd] [14.10.12] 2v2 PvP Tournament.: “I would like to announce next week’s event. It’s going to be 2v2 PvP tournament which will be held on Sunday, 14 of October.”
  • [Tomb of Freedon Nadd] [13.10.12] World PvP - "Battle for Alderaan": “I would like to share some information about next World PvP event. Time: Saturday 13th 18.00 CET. Event Starts at 18.00 and ends at 19.30 CET (Central European Time). Location: Event will be held on Alderaan in the Castle Panteer area.”


SWTOR Subreddit


Forum Round-Up

Character identities: GARhenus is compiling a list of class specific titles in The Old Republic.

  • Happysister: “smuggler's is definitely Captain. cause...that's what everyone calls you.”
  • Bright_ephemera: “Jedi Consular get "Padawan," "Jedi," "Master," "Barsen'thor," and I know Qyzen Fess will always call them Herald.”

HK-51 Acquired!: Iwipe has created this awesome guide on how you can acquire HK-51 on the PTS!

  • Lord_of_Mu: “As always, thanks dulfy!”
  • Draekos: “Very nice! Thanks for all your efforts towards the SWTOR community.”


Thank you for all of the fun and interesting discussions this week! There are many other great conversations happening in the forums that are not on this list so be sure to look around. Please don’t forget to nominate your favorite threads and events for next week’s Round-Up by posting here!