06.07.2012 Released from his icy tomb, HK-51 stands eager to eliminate anyone who stands against his Sith master.
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06.06.2012 Preserved for hundreds of years, the assassin droid HK-51 is eager to serve his Jedi master.
06.06.2012 Buried within millennia-old Rakata ruins, a powerful force field locks away an ancient force.
06.06.2012 See how you and your friends can face the galaxy’s greatest dangers while dressed as a band of Sand People!
06.05.2012 A group of elite Imperials ready to storm across a light bridge deep inside ancient Rakata ruins.
06.05.2012 Lotek’k, a massive and fearsome beast from the far side of the mysterious Grand Hypergate, towers over a Republic Trooper.
06.04.2012 Isolated on the swampy Gree world of Asation, a millennia-old Grand Hypergate has opened, releasing terrible monstrosities on the planet.
06.04.2012 Deep within an ancient Gree machine, the Master Control oversees all the Droids on the planet.
06.04.2012 Take your first look at a new Operation, and the never-before-seen planet of Makeb in this new video!
05.22.2012 BioWare’s James Ohlen highlights some of the new featured planned for STAR WARS: The Old Republic!