Watch the latest Insider Video to see new Cartel Market items and get a first glimpse of the new Operation coming in Game Update 2.0: Scum and Villainy!
Check out the new Making of Rise of the Hutt Cartel video to find out the new and unique areas you’ll explore as you uncover the epic conflict brewing on the planet Makeb!
Watch a sneak peak of the new in-game event running February 12 – February 26 and get ready to uncover the mystery behind an ancient Gree starship hovering over Ilum!
Watch a sneak peek of the new in-game event running February 12 – February 26 and get ready to uncover the mystery behind an ancient Gree starship hovering over Ilum!
Get your first look at the brand new planet Makeb featured in Rise of the Hutt Cartel and pre-order the Digital Expansion now to receive exclusive in-game rewards!
See this latest video in the Free-to-Play Preview series to gain insight into the features we’ve added for Preferred Status Players and check out the new holiday items in the Cartel Market!
Watch the Ancient Hypergate Trailer and team up with your friends in a new dynamic and action-packed Player-vs-Player Warzone in Game Update 1.6.
Check out this latest video in the Free-to-Play series to gain insight into how you can access the Cartel Market and what kind of items will be available for purchase at launch.
Check out the latest Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Developer Dispatch to get a first look at the story behind Game Update 1.5: HK-51 Activated.