
Developer Update: Galactic Starfighter Crew Members

Developer Blog

12.02.2013 Starfighters do not maintain themselves! Find out more about your Crew Members in Galactic Starfighter.

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Companions 101: Corso Riggs

Developer Blog

06.27.2013 Discover more about Corso Riggs in our newest Companions 101 Blog!

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Companions 101: Mako

Developer Blog

03.18.2013 Discover more about Mako in our newest Companions 101 Blog!

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Companions 101: Aric Jorgan

Developer Blog

01.16.2013 Discover more about the Cathar soldier, Aric Jorgan, in our newest Companions 101 Blog!

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Companions 101: Vette

Developer Blog

11.29.2012 Discover more about the Twi’lek treasure hunter, Vette, in our newest Companions 101 Blog!

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Companions 101: Kira Carsen

News Article

10.23.2012 Learn more about the headstrong padawan Kira Carsen in our second Companions 101.

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Quality of Life Improvements in Game Update 1.4

Developer Blog

09.20.2012 On top of the major features that we work on and deliver to the fans, we also try to work in smaller features to improve the overall quality of life for our players...

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Companion Characters Update - Part 2

Developer Blog

10.07.2011 The role of a companion in your group, and their AI, is explained by William Wallace.

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Companion Characters Update – Part 1

Developer Blog

09.23.2011 William Wallace explains some recent changes to companion characters in STAR WARS: The Old Republic

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