Now, you can purchase Cartel Coins in-game! Plus, Subscribers save 50% on their first in-game purchase of Cartel Coins through November 30th!
Join the developers this Thursday, Oct. 24th at 6:30PM PDT to see featured Player “JediConsular” queue solo for live PvP Warzone Arena battles on MMORPG.com’s Twitch channel!
Let me be first to welcome you to what will be the first of many Developer Diaries delving into the background and development of Galactic Starfighter...
Watch the “Conflict Rising” trailer and take your battle to space with epic 12v12 dogfights in the next Digital Expansion: Galactic Starfighter!
Join the developers this Thursday, Sep. 19th at 6:30PM PDT for another preview of PvP Warzone Arenas featuring “We Are Farmers” on MMORPG.com’s Twitch channel!