Game Update 7.2.1 is live!
With Game Update 7.2.1, players may begin earning rewards from the Galactic Season 4 and PvP Season 2 Reward tracks! We’re also introducing a new 64-bit Game Client and a few changes to combat inflation. Details on what players can expect from this new update are below!
Galactic Seasons: Season 4, “A Passage of Peace”
This update marks the beginning of Galactic Season 4 “A Passage of Peace.” In this season, players are joined by Amity, a Force user on a pilgrimage, as they progress through the Messengers of the Cold Moon reputation track and earn new rewards, including the brand new Mek-Sha Hideout Stronghold! More details on this new companion, rewards, and objectives here.

PvP Seasons: Season 2, “Piercing the Veil”
The new PvP Season, “Piercing the Veil,” also starts with the launch of Game Update 7.2.1.
To improve players’ experiences, we’ve made a few changes to how Attacker and Defender medals are earned in a match. More details can be found in this forum post (only available in English). Similar to the previous season, players can earn new rewards by earning PvP points and progressing through the PvP Rewards track. More details in the PvP Seasons 2 article.

Credit Economy Initiative
With Game Update 7.2.1, we’re also introducing changes to correct some of our economic inflation. More details about these changes can be found in this forum post. These changes are the first of multiple updates we’ll make in future releases throughout the year. Keep an eye on our social platforms and our website for more updates regarding this topic.
64-bit Game Client
Following the Public Test Server sessions, we’re now deploying the 64-bit Game Client to all players! With this migration, players can use more memory and are no longer limited to 4 GB per process. This update also helps the team streamline the process of building compelling content for the coming years. More details here.
Here are the new system requirements (also known as “min specs”):
- OS: Windows 10 or later - 64-bit
- Processor AMD: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ or better
- Processor Intel: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz or better
- Memory: 6 GB RAM
- Graphics: Star Wars: The Old Republic requires a video card that has a minimum of 1 GB of on-board RAM as well as support for Shader 3.0 or better.
- Examples include:Intel HD 3000 or better/AMD Radeon HD 7450/Nvidia GeForce 610
- Storage: 75 GB available space
- Internet connection: Required to play
Alongside the 64-bit client, players should expect to see graphics setting changes coming to this update. With 7.2.1, the game will now be able to detect the best graphics setting on your machine. If a player’s machine contains more than one card, the game will choose the card that will provide the most optimized visuals. In short, on the first run after downloading 7.2.1, the game will re-select the graphics quality level based on the player’s GPU specs.
Other changes include:
- The game will automatically boot up in full screen windowed mode. This can be changed to the player’s preference in settings.
- The “Very Low” Graphic Quality Preset will be removed from the game entirely as it has now become obsolete with our new tech updates.
- For players who use laptops, the game will now default to using your dedicated GPU.
- The frame rate limiter has been fixed so players can request the max FPS through the graphics settings.
The full list of patch notes for this update is available here.