Community News
Community Round-Up: August 29th, 2012

Hello everyone!
Welcome to this week’s Community Round-Up. Every week, we highlight some of the most interesting discussions in the community as well as player-created events happening on certain servers in The Old Republic™. While most of these discussions occur on our forums, we also try to look at what people are saying about Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ on other sites whenever we can.
If you have nominations for next week’s Round-Up, please post them in this thread. Please remember the Community Round-Up blog is meant to highlight interesting, productive discussions and server events - not the most talked about forum threads.
We have added a new section to this blog, highlighting threads from the new public Fan Site forum. Community Coordinator Eric Musco welcomed everyone to the forum last week and Fan Sites have already been posting new content we want to highlight and share with you!
Let’s begin!
Server Events
Get to know the community on your server by participating in player-created events. Below are some occurring this week! Be sure to check out the Server Forums to find other events happening on your server.
- [Corellian Run] Open World PvP - Ilum / Sunday, 02 Sept / 8 PM Eastern: “Epic battles last weekend! It calls for another round... We will hit Ilum once again for another round of combat.”
- [The Red Eclipse] Server 1st 3v3 Tournament Mon Sep 3: “20:30 CEST at Outlaws Den, Tatooine”
- [Master Dar'Nala] Master Dar'Nala World PvP Event #2: “World PvP Event @ Outlaws Den on the 25th of August 2012”
- [Prophecy of the Five] WAR on QUESH!!! Sept 1st!: “There will be no remorse, there will be no mercy! On Sept. 1st at 8:00 PM EST, I encourage all Imperials and all Republics to show up and support your efforts in a war on Quesh. All players welcome level 33 and up.”
- [The Ebon Hawk] Tuesday Night Datacron Expeditions and Hunt (Imperial): “Event: Tuesday Night Datacron Expeditions and World Boss Hunts (Imperial side). Date: Tuesday Evenings. Time: 6PM PST, 6PM AZ, 7PM MST, 8PM CST, 9PM EST”
Fan Site Spotlight
Last week we opened up the new public Fan Site Forum, where fan sites can post content and communicate easily with the community! Starting this week, we are going to be highlight some of these threads for you to check out.
- TORWars Podcast Interview with Lead Writer Hall Hood: TORWars sat down with Lead Writer, Hall Hood, to chat about the writing process in The Old Republic and tease future content.
SWTOR Subreddit
- I've never played the game before... Any tips for a newbie? New to Star Wars: The Old Republic? Check out some of the player tips collected here!
Forum Round-Up
~ * ~ Vanity Pets Guide ~ * ~: Crazy about vanity pets? Gotta catch them all? Check out this amazing guide by Jenemi, which not only lists all of the pets in the game, but also how to get them!
- Elysith: “Thanks. I just got two new little birdies today after reading this. Now I need to wait for the eggs to respawn for two more.”
- DarthSabreth: “AWESOME thread!!!! ty so much.”
Funniest sentence/word that your character said?: Humor is aspect of the interactive dialogue in The Old Republic, adding not only an element of entertainment to the gameplay, but also personality to your character. Some of your favorite lines included:
- Alec Fortescue: “Warrior: "I have issues with the word "must"!”
- Sedi: “My Smuggler talking to a bounty hunter during my missions on Coruscant: ‘Is that a hair style or did a wamprat die on your head?’”
[Prophecy of the Five] Pax Republica 3 Year Anniversary Event - Tuesday Night: Although this event already took place, we wanted to highlight it since it had a great turn out and a 90 minute world PvP event!
- Astral Projection: “Hey all : ) We're going to be holding a little OWPVP brawl to celebrate the three year anniversary of our guild this coming Tuesday night. The event has a bit of backstory, it's a continuation of an in-guild event we held a couple months ago.”
The Short Fic Weekly Challenge Thread!: Origin poster, Elliotcat, is running a weekly fanfiction competition. This is a great thread for those of you who have their own personal head cannons and want to write aspects of it down! Many thanks to Tatile for nomination this thread!
- Elliotcat: “I'll post a prompt every week (I'm going to shoot for Friday). You're free to take that prompt in any direction you want. Want to write a 100-word drabble? That's just fine! Feeling inspired to write a 5000-word short story? Go for it! Or anything in between - it's really up to you. It can be a light-hearted vignette or a tough heart-rending story. It can be set before, after, or during the class stories. The point is simply to write regularly and share with each other. Please post your story here in this thread.”
What is your NPC headcanon?: Speaking of head cannons, Roodbot has started a thread asking community members about traits/personality quirks/past histories that they have made up for their companions. Some of your answers included:
- HellbirdIV: “Bowdaar makes a great chef/bartender. That's why he's in the galley all the time!”
- Bright_ephemera: “Broonmark's actually a thoughtful guy. Not some kind of refined philosopher, I mean, his preferred solution to all things is killing, but if you actually listened to all the blllorping you would hear the musings of a smart, thoughtful, insatiably bloodthirsty soul.”
A Thousand Papercuts: In this thread, community members give some great suggestions to improve the game. We have been closely monitoring this thread and compiling their feedback. Some of your suggestions included:
- Xenara: “Would love to see a functional Day/Night cycle.”
- Darth Milonus: “1. I would like to be able to put my Jedi's hood down”
Thank you for all of the fun and interesting discussions this week! There are many other great conversations happening in the forums that are not on this list so be sure to look around. Please don’t forget to nominate your favorite threads and events for next week’s Round-Up by posting here!