Game Update 7.4.1 “Building a Foundation” is now live!
Players can now experience all the content in Game Update 7.4.1!
Galactic Seasons 6 “Building a Foundation”
Earn new rewards while progressing through Galactic Seasons 6 "Building a Foundation" and unlock a beautiful new Copero Stronghold. New armors, weapons, and purple/gold enhanced dye pack can be obtained from the rewards tracks. Make sure to read through the Galactic Seasons 6 article for all of the details!
Date Night
Date Night Companion Missions have debuted! Players who have unlocked a romance with Lana Beniko, Arcann, Koth Vortena, or Theron Shan can experience a new weekly repeatable mission that focuses on their romance’s personal interest.
APAC Character Transfers
Character Transfers to the Shae Vizla server in the Asia-Pacific region are now open! Here’s what you need to know:
There is a 15 million credit cap per character.
Characters must be at least level 20 in order to qualify for a transfer.
Players who have been Subscribed since January 2, 2024 will receive 16 free transfers to the Shae Vizla server.
Free transfers will be available for the next 30 days only
For the next 90 days, all Subscribers will receive a 50% discount (500 Cartel Coins off!) on transfers to the Shae Vizla server.
This discount will be applied for Subscribers who use up their free transfers.
Paid transfers cost 1000CC per transfer for non-subscribers. This will be the default price after the promotion period ends.
The credit and character level requirements detailed above will still apply to these transfers and all future transfers.
Cartel Market additions
Ahsoka™ inspired armors and more have dropped in the Cartel Market! See the full list here!
The full list of 7.4.1 patch notes can be found here!