Game Update 7.4.1 “Building a Foundation” Livestream recap
If you were unable to watch-or if you want a recap of everything we showed during our Game Update 7.4.1 Livestream, don't worry! Below is a VOD and breakdown of what we showed, including timestamps for the different segments of our livestream.
Timestamp 00:00
Eric Musco, Lead Game Producer, and Jackie Ko, Community Manager discuss hosting streams more often, and a list of features for the 7.4.1 stream.
Redeem code "LotSKrovos" on this page to get a Darth Krovos Stronghold decoration. Be sure to redeem this deco before February 29th.
Timestamp 03:40
Galactic Seasons 6 “Building a Foundation” will be taking players back to a place with quite a view! We’re headed back to Copero! Players will be working with Inrokini family bringing them records of galactic events in exchange for the use of Chiss technology. The reward track features a brand new Stronghold based in Copero that players can unlock.
How does the Stronghold work for Galactic Seasons 6? This season will use story unlocks similarly to the way they worked in Galactic Season 5. A story mission will give access to the Stronghold, with 2 more rooms also able to be unlocked through more story missions. Subscribers will gain access to three additional rooms through the Galactic Seasons Subscriber Track. Three additional rooms can be purchased with Cartel Coins.
Here's a sneak peek of some of the decorations that can be earned on the reward track!
Timestamp 10:50
A Copero themed Utility Bundle will be coming to the Cartel Market!
We are also modernizing the original Utility Bundle decorations as well. Here are some before and after comparisons of the decorations.
A new Red/Pink enhanced dye pack is now available and will be on the Cartel Market until February 29th! A special Green/Gold enhanced dye will be made available in March (date TBD). Here's how these dye look on different textures! Pictured is the Noble Attendant and Defiant Maverick armors.
Timestamp 14:35
Two new armors and weapons will be coming to the Cartel Market. Introducing the Prime Centurion and Gothic Master Armors and the Gothic Master Dualsaber and Lightsaber.
(Prime Centurion Armor with Gothic Master Dualsaber)
(Gothic Master Armor, inspired by Marrok, with Gothic Master Lightsaber)
To help players prepare for decorating and partying in a new Stronghold, we are running category sales on Decorations and Armors until February 29th! So don't miss out!
Timestamp 16:55
PvP Season 5 "Pirate's Plunder" begins February 27th! Here's a look at the rewards coming in this season.
(Cunning Plunderer / Outlaw Battler Armors on the PvP track)
(Plunderer's Greed / Outlaw Warrior Armors available from the PvP Vendor)
(Large/Small Season 5 trophies, Cunning Plunderer Armor Display and Battler Trophy decoration)
Timestamp 19:20
Ashley Ruhl, Narrative Director and Caitlin Sullivan Kelly, Lead Writer, introduce a new narrative feature called Date Night!
Date Night Companion Missions are weekly repeatable, cinematic-only missions designed to give players some personal time with their love interests. Game Update 7.4.1 will feature four companions: Lana Beniko, Arcann, Theron Shan, and Koth Vortena. Our goal is to have 1-2 companion missions released alongside Galactic Seasons.
For the creatives in the community, we are releasing cosplay kits based on the four companions featured in this update's Date Night release. They will be available on at Game Update 7.4.1's launch.
(Sample of Koth Vortena's cosplay kit)
Timestamp 34:40
Keith Kanneg, Executive Producer, and Eric Musco take the stage and discuss Character Transfers to the Shae Vizla server. Transfers will be opening at 7.4.1's launch! Here are some things you need to know about them:
- There is a 15 million credit limit per character
- Minimum level 20 requirement
- Players that are active Subscribers and have been a Subscriber since January 2, 2024 will have 16 free transfers to Shae Vizla for 30 days after transfers open
- For the first 90 days after transfers open, all Subscribers will receive a 50% discount (500 Cartel Coins off) on transfers to the Shae Vizla server
- Paid transfers will become available at 7.4.1 launch and will still cost 1000 Cartel Coins for non-Subscribers. The credit and character level requirements will still apply
Requirements may be adjusted in the future
Timestamp 42:45
Keith and Eric tease what's coming in Game Update 7.5. The story update is called "Desperate Defiance" and will be taking place on Hutta. Lane Vizla's research comes to fruition and a new spring event will be launching with 7.5! We will share details on the next livestream!
We look forward to sharing Game Update 7.4.1 ‘Building a Foundation’ with all our players in March 2024! Keep an eye on and our social channels for future updates!