News Articles


Display Name Only Log In - Coming April 2, 2013

Please be aware that beginning on April 2, 2013, logging in to the game or website will require your Display Name. Email addresses will no longer be accepted; your Display Name will be the only accepted option.

This new change to the log in procedure is being implemented for several reasons. This change increases the security of our game authentication system, which helps continue to keep the game protected from many security threats including account takeovers.

In case you do not know your Display Name, simply:

  • Log in to
  • Your Display Name will be shown on the top right-hand side of the website homepage.

You can use your Display Name for logging in to the website and game starting immediately and we encourage you to do so. We value our players and we want you to know that the continued security of your account is our top priority.

As always, be sure to check for latest updates and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.