News Articles
Relics of the Gree Event – Sneak Peek Video
Between February 12 and February 26, visit the in-game News Terminal, located on Carrick Station or Vaiken Spacedock, to begin your adventure in an all new in-game event, Relics of the Gree!
Uncover the real mission of the Gray Secant, an enormous ancient Gree starship that has mysteriously appeared over Ilum’s Western Ice Shelf. The Gree have promised advanced technology, including highly-advanced weapons and armor, to anyone who is brave enough to aid them by taking on an action-packed mission.
Get a sneak peek at the mysterious events about to unfold in Relics of the Gree!
Find out more about the Relics of the Gree, the in-game event coming up in Game Update 1.7: Return of the Gree. As always, you can stay connected with Star Wars: The Old Republic on our Community Blog, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages.