The Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event is back!
This summer, Nar Shaddaa Nightlife returns with new and unique prizes! The event runs from June 29th at 12:00 UTC until August 10th at 12:00 UTC. Let's dive into all the information regarding the new rewards and where you can get them!
You’ve seen it wandering in the casino, and now you can earn a Replica C1-4W mini-pet of your own! This cute claw machine droid will give you a casino patron vibe anywhere you go. Also up for grabs is the High Roller Shades, a new helmet that will make all your friends jealous and add a flair of style to any outfit.
These new rewards are exclusively obtainable from the Emperor’s Grace Slot Machine located in the main areas of the Star Cluster and Club Vertica Casinos. You cannot miss these slot machines; just look for the statues of a golden Hutt.