Welcome to Galactic Seasons!
Building upon the Login Rewards system that we launched in Game Update 6.2, we are now unveiling Galactic Seasons! While the Login Rewards are an easy method for collecting rewards by simply logging into the game, Galactic Seasons feature new high-value rewards based on playing the game.
Players will be able to monitor their progress along the Reward Track, including how many Galactic Season Points they’ve accumulated, how many Points they need for the next level, when the current Season ends, and more. Our tentative timeline is to have each Galactic Season last about 5 months.
Each Season allows players to advance through 100 Reward Levels, which grant rewards through their progression. To progress, players will receive a set of Daily and Weekly “challenges”, called Priority Objectives. Comprising of existing and/or new Conquest Objectives, Priority Objectives will require the player to complete specific Conquest Objectives to receive Galactic Season Points. Priority Objectives are indicated by their new Conquest icon and are filtered to the top of the Conquest Objective list. Players can also earn Galactic Season Points through the Login Reward system by logging into the game any 4 days of the week.
All Reward Levels will require the same amount of Galactic Season Points to progress. For example, going from Reward Level 1 to 2 takes the same amount of effort as going from Reward Level 99 to 100.
(This is an artist rendition of what the final UI will look like. Season name and rewards shown in the above image are not indicative of what will be offered.)
Players may progress through two Reward Tracks: one which is free and available for all players, regardless of their Subscription status, and a bonus Reward Track for Subscribers. So long as they maintain their Subscription status, Subscribers will be able to earn the rewards from both Reward Tracks as they progress through the Galactic Season. While Free-to-Play and Preferred accounts will initially only have access to the Free Reward Track, if they subscribe, they will unlock all Subscriber rewards they are eligible for. For example, if a Free-to-Play account subscribes after reaching Reward Level 50 in Galactic Seasons, they can immediately get all Subscriber rewards from levels 1 through 50. Conversely, if the player unsubscribes at Reward Level 90 and proceeds to reach Reward Level 100, they would need to resubscribe to receive the Subscriber Reward Track rewards for Levels 91 through 100. In addition to the bonus rewards, Subscribers also earn bonus Galactic Season Points, allowing them to progress at a slightly faster rate than Free-to-Play or Preferred accounts.
Now that we’ve described how the system works, let’s take some time to look at all the rewards players can earn from the first Galactic Season: The Stranger From Kubindi.
Rewards, rewards, and more rewards!
As mentioned above, Galactic Seasons can be broken down into two Reward Tracks, one which is free and available to all players, regardless of their Subscription status, and another one for Subscribers. The following rewards are available for all players, regardless of their Subscription status:
- New Kubaz Companion Character: Altuur zok Adon
- Premium Adon Companion Gifts
- Gifts for Altuur zok Adon which grant a large amount of Influence.
- Seasonal Armor Set
- Silver Cartel Weapon Crate
- Contains 1 Silver quality Cartel Market weapon from a selection of previous Cartel Market Weapons currently not available for direct purchase.
- Silver Cartel Armor Crate
- Contains 1 full Silver quality Cartel Market armor set from a selection of previous Cartel Market Armors currently not available for direct purchase.
- Silver Cartel Mount Crate
- Contains 1 Silver quality Cartel Market mount from a selection of previous Cartel Market Mounts currently not available for direct purchase.
- Galactic Season Tokens
- Special Tokens which can be traded to Ki’at Thavo, the new Galactic Seasons Vendor located on the Fleet.
- Seasonal Decorations
- Seasonal Title
In addition to those rewards, Subscribers will also be eligible for the following rewards available to the Subscriber Reward Track:
- 2000 Cartel Coins
- Prototype Adon Companion Gifts
- Gifts for Altuur zok Adon which grant a large amount of Influence.
- Artifact Adon Companion Gifts
- Gifts for Altuur zok Adon which grant a large amount of Influence.
- Legendary Adon Companion Gifts
- Gifts for Altuur zok Adon which grant a large amount of Influence.
- Companion Weapon
- Companion Armor Set
- Companion Customization
- Seasonal Armor Set
- A variant of the Base Set from the Free/Preferred Reward Track, but with more attachments.
- Seasonal Weapons
- One of each Weapon type will be available. Weapons which can be dual-wielded grant two copies!
- Seasonal Mounts
- Both Creature and Vehicle.
- Seasonal Tokens
- Special Tokens which can be traded to Ki’at Thavo, the new Galactic Seasons Vendor located on the Fleet.
- Seasonal Decorations
- Seasonal Titles
- Altuur at Rank 50 Influence. Subscribers will have the opportunity to walk away from Season 1 with a new, fully influenced companion character.
- A high quality Weapon for Altuur. Subscribers will have the opportunity to earn a Weapon specific to Altuur.
- A high quality Armor Set for Altuur. Subscribers will have the opportunity to earn an Armor Set specific to Altuur.
- A Companion Customization for Altuur. Subscribers will have the opportunity to earn a Customization option for Altuur.
- NEW Republic and Imperial Fleet Apartment Strongholds
- Alternate skins for the Season mounts
- Kakkran Daggerstar
- HK-55’s Jetpack
- Makeb Gazebo Decoration
- Tauntaun Ram Minipet
- And more!
The Stranger From Kubindi
While there are a lot of cool rewards available for players, let’s take a quick look at the new Kubaz Companion: Altuur zok Adon. All players will be able to unlock Altuur as a full time Companion Character, but Subscribers will end the Season with a more unique version of him.
Galactic Seasons Vendor
Let’s go more into detail about Ki’at Thavo, the new Galactic Seasons vendor that all players will be able to access. This vendor will sell various new rewards, previous Subscriber rewards, and some limited-time rewards as well.
Everything available from the vendor can be purchased with the new Galactic Season Tokens earned through the two Seasonal Reward Tracks. The items on this vendor will rotate over time, similar to Kai Zykken but on a longer cadance, ensuring that players always have something interesting to work towards. When the Season officially starts, we will publish an article that will highlight the availability of all rewards. Some items this vendor may have, but are not limited to are:
Catching Up
Similar to our Login Reward system, we want to remain respectful of player’s time, so we designed Galactic Seasons with additional means to progress without necessarily completing the Daily and Weekly Priority Objectives.
Catch-Up with Credits - As the Galactic Season progresses, players will have the ability to skip Reward Levels using Credits in an effort to “Catch-Up”. This Catch-Up system is based on an “expected average cadence” determined by the system, allowing players who fall behind to access this progression method. As such, it will not be immediately available at the start of the Season, but rather appear as the Season continues for eligible players. For the duration of the season, each Catch-Up credit skip will exponentially increase the cost of the next one. For example, if the first credit skip cost 150,000 credits, the next one would be 335,000 credits, and so on. This is a valuable option for players with credits to spend who either feel that they are falling behind in their progress or come into a Season well underway.
Jump Ahead with Cartel Coins - As soon as the Galactic Season starts, players will be able to jump ahead in their progression by skipping Reward Levels with Cartel Coins. This is a fixed cost per skip, meaning the cost for a player to skip their first Reward Level is the same cost as them skipping their tenth Reward Level. This is a valuable option for players who want to gain an edge on their progression or anticipate being away from the game for a few days.
Regardless of the method, these level skips can only be done in sequential order. A player at Reward Level 10 can immediately skip to level 50, but will need to purchase all Reward Levels in-between as well (Reward Levels 11-49).
That’s our introduction to the new Galactic Seasons, starting when Game Update 6.3 launches! Players will be able to get hands-on-experience with this new feature in an upcoming PTS update, so keep your eyes open for an upcoming PTS announcement soon. Similarly to the Ranked PvP website articles, when a new Galactic Season officially starts, we will have a kickoff article highlighting specific reward information and more.