Get ready for the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event!
The Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event begins today! During the next six weeks, players can test their luck and earn new rewards such as the High Stakes Squadron Helmet!
This reward can be obtained from the Emperor’s Grace Machines located in the main areas of the Star Cluster and Club Vertica Casinos.
Other event featured rewards include:
- High Roller Skiff Mount
- High Roller Armor Set
- Kingpin’s and Nightlife Socialite Armor Sets
- Phrojo Nuray and Gammorean Bodyguard Companions
- Vectron Magnus and Kingpin's Rancor Mounts
- Kingpin’s Predator Mount
- Taxidermy Stronghold Decorations
- Cartel Market Certificates
- High Roller Shades
- Replica C1-4W Mini-pet
- Kingpin’s Grigna Mount
- Blast Pad Floor Trap and Frost Floor Trap Stronghold Decorations
- High Roller Weapons
- Lucky Pritarr Mount
- Fiery Grefna Chick
- Proud Pritarr Cub
- Shimmering Ginx
- …and more!
Some adjustments have been made this year to how the machines work and how the Lucky and Good Karma buffs affect plays. Be sure to read up on all the details here!
Players with a keen eye will notice that modernization has begun on Nar Shaddaa! The first updates are to the slot machines around the planet, in the Nightlife event, and even in your Strongholds if you have them as Decorations.
The event will run from July 9th to August 20th, so you don’t have to spend all your credits on the first day!