Community News
Pursuer's Bounty Pack
Below are some of the highlights from the Pursuer's Bounty Pack. The rest of the items can be found here on our official Facebook page.
Here is a full list of the items in the Pursuer's Bounty Pack.
Color Crystals
- Advanced Blue Core Indestructible Crystal
- Advanced Blue Core Eviscerating Crystal
- Advanced Blue Core Hawkeye Crystal
- Advanced Blue Core War Hero's Crystal
- Advanced Hot Orange Indestructible Crystal
- Advanced Hot Orange Eviscerating Crystal
- Advanced Hot Orange Hawkeye Crystal
- Advanced Hot Orange War Hero's Crystal
Potent Champion Set
- Potent Champion Gloves
- Potent Champion Chestguard
- Potent Champion Pants
- Potent Champion Utility Belt
- Potent Champion Boots
Energetic Champion Set
- Energetic Champion Gloves
- Energetic Champion Chestguard
- Energetic Champion Pants
- Energetic Champion Utility Belt
- Energetic Champion Boots
Dynamic Sleuth Set
- Dynamic Sleuth Mask
- Dynamic Sleuth Body Armor
- Dynamic Sleuth Pants
- Dynamic Sleuth Belt
- Dynamic Sleuth Boots
- Dynamic Sleuth Gloves
Voltaic Sleuth Set
- Voltaic Sleuth Mask
- Voltaic Sleuth Body Armor
- Voltaic Sleuth Pants
- Voltaic Sleuth Belt
- Voltaic Sleuth Boots
- Voltaic Sleuth Gloves
Atton Rand Set
- Atton Rand's Jacket
- Atton Rand's Pants
- Atton Rand's Belt
- Atton Rand's Gloves
- Atton Rand's Cuffs
- Atton Rand's Boots
Cassus Fett Set
- Cassus Fett's Helmet
- Cassus Fett's Body Armor
- Cassus Fett's Greaves
- Cassus Fett's Boots
- Cassus Fett's Gauntlets
- Cassus Fett's Wristguards
- Cassus Fett's Belt
Elegant Dress Set
- Elegant Dress Upper Body Armor
- Elegant Dress Lower Body Armor
- Elegant Dress Auxiliary Body Armor
Luxurious Dress Set
- Luxurious Dress Upper Body Armor
- Luxurious Dress Lower Body Armor
- Luxurious Dress Auxiliary Body Armor
Trophy Hunter's Mask
Vintage Brawler Set
- Vintage Brawler Upper Body Armor
- Vintage Brawler Lower Body Armor
- Vintage Brawler Auxiliary Body Armor
Series 512 Cybernetic Set
- Series 512 Cybernetic Leg
- Series 512 Cybernetic Support Belt
- Series 512 Cybernetic Torso
- Series 512 Cybernetic Cerebrum
- Series 512 Cybernetic Hand
- Series 512 Cybernetic Feet
Imperial Practice Jersey
Republic Practice Jersey
- D5-2D Astromech Droid
- Greenback Exoboar
- Flamecrest Exoboar
- Hoarfrost Exoboar
- Poison Lobel
- Savanna Nekarr Cat
- Model Harrower Battle Cruiser
- Pursuer
- Bounty Collector
Orbital Kolto Strike
- Rark Sprinter
- Rark Marathon
- Rark Vaulter
- Morlinger Raptor
- Gurian Blasterbolt
- Ikas Falchion
- Adno Windscorpion
- Grassland Varactyl
- AD-12 Heavy Blaster
- CD-34 Blaster Rifle
- JM-28 Assault Cannon
- Vigorous Battler Lightsaber
- Vigorous Battler Dualsaber
- MR-37 Sniper Rifle
- Emote: Chair 3
- Emote: Chair 4
- Emote: Victory Wave
- Emote: Spike
- Emote: What Up
Credit Boom
- Consumable: Credit Boom!
- Consumable; Credit Explosion!
Dye Modules
- White and Deep Blue Dye Module
- Dark Green and Medium Brown Dye Module
- Black and Deep Green Dye Module
- Major Class Mission Experience Boost
- Major Experience Boost
- Major Exploration Experience Boost
- Major Flashpoint Experience Boost
- Major Social Boost
- Major Space Experience Boost
- Major Warzone Experience Boost
- Minor Class Mission Experience Boost
- Minor Experience Boost
- Minor Exploration Experience Boost
- Minor Flashpoint Experience Boost
- Minor Social Boost
- Minor Space Experience Boost
- Minor Warzone Experience Boost
Companion Gifts
- Account of the Discovery of Korriban
- Drayen Hyper-Space Smuggling Routes
- Gree Temporary Mind-Link Device
- Holorecord of the Republic's Founding
- Intricate Corellian Speeder Model
- Memoir of the Unification Wars
- Omni-Vision Battle Relay
- Splinter of a Rakata Stronghold
- Unique Rakata Grenade
- Vial of Gree Nanite Paste
- Energy Blade Bayonet
- Assassin Droid Target History
- Gourmet Ration Pack
- Zeltron Personal Aroma Gift Set
- First Edition Galactic Encyclopedia
- Aratech Reconstruction Toolkit
- Republic Senatorial Oath
- Banned Imperial History Document
- Signet Ring of Ancient Tion
- Galactic Crime Lord's ID Card
Crafting Materials
- Hypercloth
- Reinforced Transparisteel
- Rainbow Gem
- Medical Grade Injector
- Frasium
- Nanite Threaded Cloth
- Permacrete
- Mytag Crystal
- Sterilization Kit
- Beryllius
- Bio-Mechanical Interface Chip
- Thermal Regulator
Reputation Items
- Cartel Market Certificate
- Travel Records
- Underworld Intel
- Rare Munitions
Check out the images for these items on our official Facebook page.