Community News


A Preview of our New Podcast

Hello everyone! My name is Eric Musco and I, along with Brooks Guthrie are happy to bring you a sneak peek of the official STAR WARS: The Old Republic podcast. You can listen to our pilot episode here by using the embedded player, or download and listen on your preferred MP3 player.

Our goal with this show is to give you, the community, insight into development of The Old Republic by hearing directly from the developers creating the game. In our pilot episode, Brooks and I sit down with combat team members Austin Peckenpaugh and Cameron Winston to talk about some of the changes coming in Game Update 1.2.

In the future, keep your eyes on for our next episode, on our very own podcast page! Starting with our next episode, a full transcript will be available in English, French and German as well as an iTunes subscription (please ignore that mention at the end of this pilot episode!). If you have questions or comments about the show you can discuss our pilot episode in this Forum thread.

Thanks for listening and we hope you enjoy!

Download the MP3 of this podcast by right-clicking this link and saving.


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