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PvP flag improvements


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I think an option should be presented in the preferences menu: "Attacking or healing a PvP-flagged player will trigger your character's PvP flag if not already flagged" (having this checked makes it work exactly the way it works now) If you don't have this checked, you must already be flagged or manually flag yourself in order to attack or heal a PvP-flagged player.


In addition, maybe have a pop-up box the first time you try to heal or attack a PvP-flagged player on a character: "Auto-flagging for attacking or healing a PvP-flagged player while not flagged is off by default. Check here to turn this option on."


If you don't have this checked, you can not attack or heal a flagged player. You would simply get red text explaining that you may not attack or heal that player. This would have to apply to extentions of the character as well. Aka, companions' heals or damage.


The reasons for this are because of all the recent outcry (at least on the forums, I haven't actually run into this myself) regarding non-PvP-flagged being pulled into PvP when they don't want to be. This would not effect pvp areas such as the contested area of the Gree event. If you get a warning that you are about to be flagged and you continue in, that's on you.


One more improvement I'd like to see, but not quite as pressing, IMO: If I am autoflagged, either by entering an area, or attacking while above enhancement is checked, if I right-click on my portrait and click to flip my pvp flag, it should go to the "5 minute cooldown until not flagged" status. I shouldn't have to flip the flag twice to turn it off when I'm already flagged.

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Im tired of healing people with flags on them. Damn it. Its so annoying when you are on the both factions territory with sign "KILL ME" on your head.

I may sound a bit radically, but i wish that flagged chars could join groups only with others flagged people.

I mean - that was their choice to PVP. Not mine. But they force me to be flagged.

A little unfair, don't you think?

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