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Warzones and Wins...


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Since January after one of the big patch updates there has been an issue with warzone wins not counting towards your daily/weekly total. This is a growing problem and seems worse now than I have seen.


I have seen posts by developers addressing this issue over the last month or so, but I cannot seem to find them anymore. Like nothing anywhere. Even in the patch notes. It was as if it was vanished off the face of the internet.


Now I know I am addressing the giant elephant in the room, but I personally would truly like some kind of status update with this.


I played at least 15 matches last night, I won 6 matches out of those 15 (that is another post in itself) and I had credit for 1 after 5 hours of gameplay. I did get to purchase two bags from the vender just from commendations.


My guildmate had played through the day and won around 12 or 15 matches and had 0 counted.



Now I don't know what the conditions are for the game to not score a winner officially, some people have working theories, but I have not seen anything from Bioware or anyone else in an official capacity.



Also, what is the deal with testing something for one week and not allowing people to be 50s with full gear? Wait, that is a post for the test server.


Just please, get a handle on this. It is frustrating and aggravating since there is no real benefit for warzone pvp for 50s other than dailies and collecting the bag. And I am not getting started on Illum.



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in dev tracker BW said they have fix for this and are testing it for upcomming patch.




Ahh yes, there it is. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2410519#edit2410519 back on the 1st of the month.


Then on the 3rd http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2484102#edit2484102


I thought I saw something on this last patch fixing it, but I may have been mistaken.


I guess I might have mistaken the "we found the problem and will put it a future update" for they did it?


I mean, it only took less than a week to test the changes to scoundrel and the shadow...


Anyhow, feedback from Bioware would be appreciative.

Edited by NightHawke
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