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TOR Lore: Can Sith take other Sith as their apprentices?


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Hello there! Me and a group of friends are actively roleplaying in SWTOR.


In SWTOR lore, we see Darths and Sith Lords take a multitude of apprentices of lower ranks, Darth Zash and the inquisitor being, perhaps, the most recognizable duo, as well as many others. There are also examples of Darths having Darths as apprentices (Darth Vengean and Darth Baras) and Lords having Lords (Lord Praven and Lord Tarnis).

One question that has been bothering our minds for years now is "Can regular Sith take other Sith as their official apprentices, which would be regognized by higher authorities?" Is that a thing?


Dunno where else to ask it in hopes that a game Dev replies. Cheers!

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