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  1. At first I thought it was my imagination. But then it was pretty clear there was a line at which was likely a "transparent" area of the top ended where the extra shiny skin stopped and a duller shade of skin continued. Yes, it's the Relaxed Tracksuit and Relaxed Uniform Top when I've been hanging out with my friends at parties, i.e. female characters that dress as dancers. I have noticed that those that are using the either version of the Metallic/Matte Black Dye tend to have a shiny-skin issue where part of their skin picks up more color from ambient lighting and reflects more lighting than the rest of their skin. This is especially notable on the tops. It is literally the difference of looking at someone who just put some suntan oil on their upper body while not putting it on their bare legs and then stepping into a spot light. One part gleams brightly the other doesn't. So... I'm getting the impression that even in the non-covered "open" areas that are supposed to be bare, the specularity still is different than in the areas that aren't "open/transparent" or those areas that don't have the metallic dye applied (like if they don't unify the bottoms with the top).
  2. I do try to use that feature. Thanks for the reminder! It works for my post-planning stage, where I'm actually doing the activities, but not as much for my planning stage when I'm trying to figure out which character I want to use since not all of my characters are suitable for guild-based activities that require a specific level (like raiding, or different warzone brackets). I admit I'm a kind of outlier in terms of needing this feature, but I thought it worth mentioning that it makes it more player-friendly for some people. Though if they found a better way to do missions than their current UI layout, I would be all interested in seeing how it works. XD Hahaha, but I feel it more polite to just say "change it back to the way it used to be" because they've already gotten that to work before than the pain & effort of making something entirely different.
  3. I do have either trophies or lights in mine (basic junker's light - credit vendor) I just can't afford to acquire the prettier CM items I'd want to use like moisture farm planters or more decorative lighting besides Junker's lights. If you need ideas, Swtorista added a mutli-search function for the decorations on her website so you can search by small wall hook & find all the available decos. (I just happen to have used all of these in my like 8+ Shs that are over 90% full) Civic + Wall Small Hook: https://swtorista.com/decorations/category/civic+wall-small/?multisearch=true Environmental + Wall Small Hook https://swtorista.com/decorations/category/environmental+wall-small/?multisearch=true Signs + Wall Small Hook https://swtorista.com/decorations/category/signs+wall-small/?multisearch=true --------------------------- So yeah, the above searches are also to point out to the Devs that we'd love more Small Wall Hook decorations, that were Civic, Environmental, Signs ----- basically something other than Lights & Throphies. Thank you!
  4. Hi! We appreciate all of our trophy achievements, however, we're getting tired of a notable lack of small wall hook items that aren't just CM lights, trophies, and technology. While there are some for banners and other items, they can be the wrong size for room interiors (Alliance Banner: Hanging) or otherwise just don't fit into Copero & other SHs that have a lot of small wall hooks. So, what about a screenshot contest for back-lit artwork not unlike the "Best View Of" ... but for small wall hook pictures instead? Something the same size as those Imperial/Republic Swoop Posters, or the original Feast of Prosperity Posters (small vertical rectangles). It doesn't have to be a duplicate contest for "Best View of" in terms of planetary screenshots if you wanted to keep that for the anniversary -- but, what about for animals or NPCs? Almost like a treasure hunt. Animals "in the wild/ on any planet" such as: Nerfs Scyks Lisks Lurkers Gizkas Lizardbats Flutterplumes Kath Hounds Salkies Nexu Vorclaws Vorantikus (or is it Vorantiki?) Icetrompers Monkey Lizards etc.... Animal Art that can basically be single-subject and cropped to fit a smaller decoration. Same resolution requirements, along with the "no UI, NPCs okay, but no PCs" - as per the anniversary rules. My only other thought would be named NPCs that aren't part of cut-scenes. Such as some of the ones in the exploration quests that you only encounter once or twice, or as part of the class stories. So rather than a square backlit trophy that has an identifying square in the bottom corner for mode, we can get more art & an extra contest to boot! (Same reward being the gilded vs ungilded frame).
  5. The Season 3 window helps me more. With someone with executive function disorder/ ADD issues, it's easier if I have the option of like a one click tab toggle between objectives so I can compare and to help me prioritize GS > Conquest-Only. Otherwise I end up having to forget where it is or what I'm doing on Conquest in favor of GS during the week, and sometimes end up missing out on trying to combine my goals into a handful of hours of playing. Since, when I can easily compare my mission log to GS & Conquest objectives, I can combine what I'm doing with my guild (in terms of raiding / WZs), what I want to do with story, and what I want to do with events when it's just tabbing in the same window. This way I can avoid making an external spreadsheet - which I've had to do, to keep plugging away at specific goals. There's just SO MUCH the game has to offer, that I haven't completed that having to look for it in several different windows makes it harder to get it all done without getting burned out. ps. If I could fix my executive dysfunction it would have been fixed years ago - I've spend nearly two decades working on it, and it's incredibly disruptive to my whole life. So like, this is just a simple thing that helps me a ton -- moving the objectives back to the mission window so I can compare all missions for an event in one spot via tabs. It's extremely helpful.
  6. You're not the only one. The whole Copero General chat was talking about this yesterday.I had four people on my landing pad for a few minutes. I had one or two others running through my stronghold too. We could literally see each other in each other's SHs, but not actually click on each other or interact aside from typing in General chat. THere were only two instances of Copero at the time, though the one I was in was around 40-50 people.
  7. If they are companion droids, it might be the companion glitch/bug that has existed since the introduction of the STrongholds. Basically undressed (no gear) companions show up when you log into your SH - a random number, some of which may not even be unlocked or accessible to the character, none of which are wearing any customizations or gear. They tend to say for 5-10 minutes, then disappear.
  8. Hi again! I just tried placing a Wall Safe into a Small Hook and got an error message each time - that I didn't have access to it because it thought I was clicking through the wall to a hook in a room I had not yet unlocked. It was both small wall hooks on the right, if you're facing the entrance into the main hallway (with the doors). I have not unlocked any additional rooms in my SH. NOTE: THIS HAPPENS IN OTHER SHs... many times when placing wall-hook decorations I will accidentaly CLICK THRU the wall to the hook on the other side. So I have to always double check. But with Copero and the not-unlocked rooms, it is NOT even letting me use certain hooks because I guess it's confusing them with hooks in the unlocked room.
  9. Just got the SH. First room inside the SH that has a ceiling hook: All the hanging ceiling lights I've put in look 1.5x to 2x larger than in other strongholds I've used them in. I've been a guild decorator and have decorated about 6 of my own strongholds, and it's like EVERY ceiling light I put into that hook takes up more space relative to the space they take in other SHs and compared to my character they look 2x as big. Is there some kind of size glitch associated with that hook? I feel crazy for mentioning it, but like... trying to put in a Copero Resort Light that you get from the FP almost hits the floor in that first room. The only lights I can use without running head first into them as a BT2 male character are ones that are "Flat" like the Zakuul Battle Cruiser lights or the Czerka Ceiling Light.
  10. I've been having this problem, which I originally thought was due to my previous laptop not having enough RAM and space to play swtor well. Basically --- everytime I join a Voidstar WZ on the Attacker's side, usually on an Imperial toon, I tend to get caught in a perpetual loading screen where I can't even hear audio for 20-30 seconds. Then the ambient musickicks in. Then sometime within a minute the actual WZ ambient soiunds kick in -- and most often this is when I hear the sudden alarm blarming of a bomb having been planted on teh door. 30 seconds pass, and then I'm booted from the WZ --- IF I'M EVEN LUCKY TO LOAD THE CINEMATIC TO SPACE BAR THROUGH --- .... There were times I made it through the cinematic, but then got caught behind the respawn barrier for 20-30 seconds and then if I joined the match the debuff to be kicked for being in the spawn point would trigger *even if I had joined the match for 5-10 seconds* and would remove me. Well, now I have a new laptop, one that can run WZs on very high graphics without flinching and guess what still happens. I'm still being booted from the Attacker's team loading into Voidstar. TWICE TODAY and several times last week --- Every single time it shows I'm loading into Voidstar on the ATK side, I get stuck in the loading screen -- I can soemtimes hear the audio of the match come in, but like, NOTHING LOADS. I thought maybe it was glitching because I had selected "autoskip movies" under preferences. But no matter how many times I pushed space bar, despite space bar working just fine at any other time -- it woudlnt' skip to the cinematic. So I've already had to sit through two lockouts. Every other WZ I have joined on this new laptop, I'm among the first 3 in the group, and often waiting a full minute for the match to start. I've not had a *single* other problem. This all started when 7.0 and the 64 bit graphics launched. I sent in several tickets and posted in the forums, but nothing was said/done. I'm just surprised that even after a major upgrade to a decent machine and I'm having the *same exact problem* as before when my laptop basically didnt' have the minimum requirements to run swtor. Yes, I've checked the connection/modem & internet speed, drivers, etc. There is no problem on this end.
  11. Want to first thank you for your hard work, and I'm guessing a lot of thought went into what would and wouldn't be on sale. I can clearly see many of the hot items did end up on the daily sales list, so I know the Devs were paying attention to our requests. I, like many others, had grown so used to the collection sales, that we have bought and saved CC or went through the trouble of grinding for CC on other servers through GS. So, it does come as a bit of a shock there is no collection sales whatsover. I would like to suggest that the sale items, as they come up on the CM, have an equivalent unlock sale in collections. This used to occur in the past a few years ago -- that a sale item on the CM had a corresponding Collection sale. It's a kind of a compromise for the players whom had come to expect collection sales. While I would love to hear the reasoning behind the "no collection unlock sales", I don't think it would change the overall opinion or grief that's already being posted on this thread. I wouldn't want to put you into a situation for people to use it as fuel for unnecessary attacks. My ideal choice or compromise if the Devs would consider it in the near future -- a rotating collection unlock sale. Just a single category like "armor" for one week, then followed by a different category for another week, perhaps lumping Toys, Emotes, and Titles into a single collection unlock sale. You can easily skip things like Comanion Customizations - and frankly if you wanted to keep earning money, skip Tunings and Companion Unlocks. That or pick Companions and not Armor, since Armor is often are biggest space barbie financial investment.
  12. They don't have any interactive seats or beds yet. However, the Gambler's Bar & Mek-Sha Drink Stand do have interactive "drinking". They also made the Best View of interactive in that your character appears to "ponder" the artwork. I'd like to see more of this kind of interactive deco in the game too.
  13. Don't you mean 1. Space Barbie 2. Space Barbie w Friends 3. & Space Barbie's Playhouse - Stronghold Decorating /j
  14. While I appreciate the attempt to take Ops into consideration, I agree with everyone it's a huge time sink. I've been in numerous guilds, from small to large -- and most people already have schedules set up in advance on what Ops they plan on running for people as they have to consider what their players want. Though they definitely would change based on the objective, most do not actually attend a full FOUR ops in a week. What I've seen is actually that all the Prog Raiders I know of, often end up being officers, so that they run additional content for other guild members. So the very people that often would leap at this objective have additional gaming commitments or interests that would inhibit their ability to commit to FOUR operations. Partially because a majority of players want to run with their friends, and a lot of the SWTOR player base that I've met in guilds are working full-time or have a sizable RL commitment -- so that all the Ops have to be planned ahead to some extent. PLanning and getting enough people to consistently run them adds to the amount of time a good half an hour just trying to fill Ops teams in smaller or less active guilds. So what you have isnt' like a 3-4 hour commitment for four ops but something closer to a 5 hour commitment for a SINGLE objective. So I agree with others that either make the rewards greater to increase the incentive, as it may involve players giving up on other objectives just to do this one --- OR drop the total number of OPS down to TWO or THREE instead. If you want to make it a challenge, then THREE might be more feasible. IDK -- I just prefer advocating for players that would be wanting to do the objective but might not necessarily already have an ideal Ops team that can clear the content fast -- because most guilds & groups I've seen outside of committed/experienced prog ops, have a range in skill level that often leads to one or two wipes, or a lengthier boss combat so they never take the ideal amount of time -- they always take longer.
  15. Hi! When I was checking achievements for the current PvP Season I noticed that PvP S 4 appeared on the bottom. In it was a duplicate of my progress on the "All Medalist" achievement for Season 3 with the Title being "The Final Bastion". When I looked at the PvP S3 All Medalist achievement (Sorry if I'm truncating /renaming it) - It also said "The Final Bastion" for the title rather than what had been the "Unstoppable Force" I confirmed with another player who already had the achievement that their title IN GAME has changed to "The Final Baston". Was there something I missed in the dev thread about changes to the title? I can also provide screenshots.
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