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Esseles follow-up quest on Coruscant?

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Hi there. I was curious if anyone could confirm or deny there being a follow-up quest at the beginning of Coruscant for those who have completed the Esseles on Veteran Mode (at least). There is such a quest for Black Talon (quest is called "Imperial High Command") but I can't seem to find a similar quest for the Republic. Perhaps it is because Coruscant spaceport is closer to hubs than Dromund Kaas spaceport? Thanks for any info.
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I've never seen any such mission on Coruscant.


I'd also say that the reasoning about hubs isn't justified by the "normal" progression of a new character: Hutta/Korriban => Fleet (mostest biggest hub) => BT => DK, with your main "meet your mentor/boss" class mission already pointing at the Citadel just like the follow-up mission does.

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I've never seen any such mission on Coruscant.


I'd also say that the reasoning about hubs isn't justified by the "normal" progression of a new character: Hutta/Korriban => Fleet (mostest biggest hub) => BT => DK, with your main "meet your mentor/boss" class mission already pointing at the Citadel just like the follow-up mission does.


I appreciate your response. Sorry I wasn't clear enough in my reasoning. What I meant was that DK has you travel through the jungle and go through some side quests if you don't take a speeder from the spaceport, while Coruscant's Senate Tower is just a few feet away. Basically what I meant is that there is some actual physical distance between the NPCs on DK. I'm not sure it would factor in either, but just hypothesizing.

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I appreciate your response. Sorry I wasn't clear enough in my reasoning. What I meant was that DK has you travel through the jungle and go through some side quests if you don't take a speeder from the spaceport, while Coruscant's Senate Tower is just a few feet away. Basically what I meant is that there is some actual physical distance between the NPCs on DK. I'm not sure it would factor in either, but just hypothesizing.

OK, no problem. It might be that, or it might just be an oversight. Or, from a storytelling point of view, it might be just that the Empire is keener than the Republic is to frame everything about inter-realm relations in military terms rather than "soft power" diplomatic terms, so there's less narrative reason to have the corresponding mission on the Pubside.


But I think mostly that my vote would be for "an oversight". Or maybe the Senator Kayl mission is the equivalent (given just on the exit from the spaceport), although it isn't conditioned on running SLS in Veteran.


A question for someone who worked on building the mission sets at the beginning of the game's development, I guess.

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