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  1. Yeah this is a paradox of some kind..game is so easy it makes the game hard eventually. It is extremely difficult to get any kind of rotation going when you play through the storyline. Everything always dies long before new player ends up getting to watch how various cooldowns interact with one another and in which order they should tick away. If a player eventually starts looking into harder group content and such, these things are suddenly kinda expected of them. Turns out you can actually save the galaxy from immortal god emperor without ever having to move away from bad stuff on ground while still doing damage yourself.
  2. Everybody playing TOR has been forged in same unforgiving hellfire trials of successfully logging in to the game though. Person whose cognitive abilities and dexterity is at such level that they are able to successfully log in(assuming account with authenticator) will find every class story boss fight easier than the process of logging in to the game was. There is some merit in talking about the actual game, actual state of the game and the actual difficulty present through the default experience. One can always do some increasingly gimmicky challenge, making it more difficult for yourself. "Maybe ask your spouse to sneak keyboard to bed once you have fallen asleep and see if you can literally play TOR in your sleep! " Game doesn't support or recognize or reward any of this, they quite literally aren't part of the game. "Make the game harder for you if you want more challenge!" applies to chapters, where vet and master mode set out to do just that.
  3. It gets pretty fun/sad when you subject class stories to the great log-in challenge: Think of process of logging in. You must insert your password 100% correctly. Once this part has been tackled, you face the hardcore end boss of logging in: the authenticator. You have like 30 seconds to insert 6 different numbers in correct order. Fail, and you must try again. Now...how many battles there are, in all class stories combined, where things would be as demanding as the battle against The Authenticator? In how many class story oriented fights will you fail unless you manage to press six different number keys in correct order within a 30 second window? Are there any?
  4. As a concept, making seasonal story based around something like SH and acquring or unlocking it is cool. Not fan of the execution either. Same goes for the companion-storylines though. I don't like how they were written. There's 0 voice acting involved, so all dialogue ever had within seasons has been completely free of restrictions and issues VA brings. Yet, all of the dialogue for seasons has been written as if this wasn't the case - very short, brief and one size fits all. As if all budgetary issues of VA were still there. It is an opportunity to write some old school RP dialogue. Class specific stuff. But nope, there's little to no unique-to- class dialogue going within any of the seasons. All of seasons storytelling has been all about mute PCVA talking with mumbo jumbo fake alien language recordings. Beyond paying a writer to write this, there are no costs involved. And yet, they just don't let dialogue trees to branch out, at all. It is as if somebody charged 1k bux for every single word they write.
  5. What's the alternative? No story at all? Or at least even less story droplets with even longer intervals between them? Its not like dropping VA is a " fun sounding idea " somebody in BS had. Certainly it happens out of necessity, not because somebody in dev team just decided it'd be cool to try dropping pc va sometimes.
  6. Still have this issue. (bug 2 in OP.) Iirc many years back, customer support looked at my account and reset these missions manually. Around three weeks back, I completed Lorta Escort/ Hypori Escort and Far Cradle/Ragnant Station. Total of three different characters across two different servers/legacies completed one or two of these missions. Two Republic characters and one Imperial. None of these missions have reset for me. Been at least two server resets since. These missions aren't in my mission log, they are not in space mission terminal. Does anyone have some workaround for this?
  7. Nothing remains fun and relevant once ran through the brutal gauntlet of "game design accessible for everybody". GS daily missions are a great example of this. During GS1, daily missions were a legitimately interesting, quite ambitious concept. RNG element of it ensured tons of variety - different people would have different daily missions to chase. As a result, S1 daily missions did great job in covering pretty big part of the game with nice extra layer of life. People were all over the place, doing stuff they otherwise wouldn't have done. Of course, tons of people absolutely hated this. "Waah oh no, game is forcing me to do X!!" was the common, usual complaint. Bioware hears them out, goes " oh ok" and fixes it to what we have now. Now, every single daily mission every single week of every single season is always the same for everybody. "Earn 25k conq!" So 31 daily missions a month is always the same quite literal " do whatever". Daily missions couldn't possibly be any more more irrelevant than that. And there you have it, yet another game aspect gets to enjoy the utterly suffocating hug of accessibility.
  8. ...Launch of SWTOR got quite a bit of praise way back when. It went much smoother than most other popular MMos of that time. Were there some server crashes, lots of bugs, bits and pieces of unfinished content? Sure. As was to be expected in a brand new MMO back then. I'm not sure if any MMO has gotten as good reviews as 1.0 of SWTOR did back them. TOR had its issues and its unpolished bits. Messy launch wasn't among them. People playing didn't compare launch of TOR to some perfect fairytale ideal. Rather, they'd compare it to their somewhat fresh memories of wow launch, or first wow expansion launches and such. Like there was some 2-3 month period in 2005 where wow in some EU servers quite simply became unplayable during peak hours.
  9. Every once in a while curtain between our worlds moves ever so slightly, and I catch a brief glimpse of such land of wealth and honey behind it. World of plenty, where less than a year between updates is seen as a long time. Seven years since last time my favorire part of this game, GSF, been updated. Seven years.7. In fact, I bet new FPs happen more often than anyone in Broadsword writing "GSF" on any forum post or private document for any reason anywhere. I bet like 85% of times devs mention GSF are typoed attempts to abbreviate "Group Finder".
  10. In general I'm amazed if people rather experience their storytelling and narrative bits in fp over a full fledged new zone. Made-for-story fps feel like the lazy option, when compared to daily area around the size and scope of Dantooine or thereabouts.
  11. HOTAS if you want immersion, M+kb if you want accuracy. That's a pretty common take among serious pvp'ers in Elite. In particular if you do lots of flying with FA off. There are plenty of various reddit threads and whatnot to be found about this if you curious to read more of it.
  12. It is so cool what the other Broadsword game, Ultima Online, has been able to do when it comes to farming. We speak of an MMO here that runs with code written in mid 90's. Yet, tons of its features are such that people of SWTOR, TESO, WOW etc would consider em incredibly innovative, if they ever encountered em in a modern game! Firstly, the whole process isn't tied to quests, events and stuff. It actually "works". Ie you get seeds, plant them in souil on your yard. You water them, nurture them and eventually(lets say 1-2 rl weeks iirc)( stuff grows. Then you can cross pollinate flowers and such, to get a version that suits your needs. You harvest some wheat for whiskey, or grapes for wine. Mix the incredients and then through fermenting, distilling and aging it gradually turns into final product in a suitable oaken barrel. You can name your brand as you please, and it always shows the year it was made on. So Ultima players can actually get hyped about old in-game wines like one could irl! "Ooh, this was made in 2009..nice. " All of this is very useless beyond some RP sphere, but also extremely cool! Then you can take your self made wine bottles to your own little self build, self decorated shop, give them to merchant npc who works for you, define the price and see if players want to buy your obscenely overprized RP wine. Good stuff. Basically, small time busywork such as this can be very cool and welcome and as an experience, it can grow much larger than its size. Shame it is " just" an event in SWTOR, rather than something more ever present. Regardless, I consider this up and coming farming event like 1000 times more interesting than 90 seconds in map room with same freaking mandos talking about same freaking stuff they were on about like four years back!!? When everybody&every classs story is so special that sith lords and jedi masters fall to ground as you half attentively swing a wet noodle at them, then special becomes not really that special. Then, maybe it is the mundane things like farming that need to grow into epic proportions instead.
  13. Oo that's unironically nice to hear! It is difficult game to get into but can reward you well if you give it some time and good faith. It is only MMO(..ish) I've ever known where you can truly be an explorer. ie, literally go to places nobody else has ever seen. That alone I find impressive to this day. Don't be too jaded by the Odyssey bits, space flight itself is very well done there. Walky bits not so much. Sadly I don't think ED supports mods in any relevant way at all, no Stawa stuff to be had.
  14. Yeah ig I've played ED for almost as long as I've played GSF. Have you ever tried it? Its interesting how one was immediately right at home in ED's kb+mouse thanks to GSF. Obv, Elite is much more complicated. Yet, core of how you fly with m+kb is almost identical in both. In ED, its always HOTAS for me though..But again, Joystick+Hotas would not not feel natural for me in 3rd person view of GSF. Each their own and all that. Imo immersion works differently in 1st person vs 3rd person. I assume it is technically possible to use joystick in GSF? Surely there are joysticks that will act as a mouse if you tell them to do so.
  15. It is somewhat ...tiresome to see these sweeping objectively inaccurate absolutist hot takes presented as some undeniable truths, heh. Once you introduce PvP to the """PvE"" game then guess what? It isn't accurate to call it a "PvE game" in some overtly sweeping fashion any longer. SWTOR is certainly a PvE game for you, no doubt. Just like it is a Space Barbie&Barbie Dollhouse Enjoyment Simulator Supplemented with GTN Schenanigans in a 200 million Dollar Waiting Lobby Between GSF Matches for me. (or SB&BDESSGTNS200MDWLBGSFM-MMORPG for short!).. But these things are subjective and look bad when presented as some great universal truths. SWTOR has literally never been without PvP being an element among others. Ever since its release,game has offered a PvP element. Your window for declaring SWTOR a "PvE game" closed somewhere around early alpha stages of this game, heh. FWIW GSF can be played completely isolated from every single pve component of this game. Ability to do so is clearly a point of some particular value in these parts. I have plenty of pilot characters who have never killed a single mob. I have a max lvl pilot character who has never left trooper starter walker, but that is another story! Ability to unlock companions as your crew in GSF is largely irrelevant, since majority of the crew you want aren't companions from your own class story, so you need to buy most of them with requisition anyways. How does pvp not provide benefits? In ground pvp and GSF alike, you complete missions. These missions give you rewards similar to missions in pve content. (XP, credits,gear. And currency that buys you gear at max lvl.)
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