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eabevella last won the day on June 26 2023

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  1. You didn't even read the thread or the in game count down number?
  2. My one problem is, if you never watch the promotional trailer, you won't know who or what the f*** is going on with Sa'Har because the actual "expansion" does absolutely nothing explaining her motive. Imagine doesn't know who or what the heck is going on between Cpt. America and the Winter Soldier if you've never watch the movie trailer, that would be a total fail. That's the problem with all the main 7.0 NPCs. The writers can't write OUR characters as the MAIN characters because OUR characters have almost no flavor ever since KOTxx, especially the non-Force users. They also cannot write the NPCs as the main characters because those NPCs aren't even companions we can spend time and get to know them more. There are also no in game cutscenes to let us know the NPCs more. We never see Sa'Har does anything other than standing next to her brother like he beats her up all the time until the point she's not. We never see her struggling with the influence of the Nul holocron. We never see her mourning her master. We never see how her vision of happy family reunion crumbles - the actual process not the "my brother beats me up if I say a thing" look she has on her face 24/7 (on a personal note: the "realistic" skin texture is so ugly I can't look at her face and takes her seriously). Instead of sympathizing with her, I only think she's a pathetic barely plot device.
  3. Kotor style "cutscene" is a c*ncer in this game.
  4. Wait, I thought this is a legit feature. You know, like how breasts are often not the same size.
  5. Didn't notice the nuclear explosion sun but now i can't unsee it: MY EYES literally lol I guess it fits the Hutta vibe: a toxic wasteland that wants to blind you. I do like the new tree details so hopefully the ground is wip.
  6. The fog in the new graphic is fine, but other things just look bland. The ground is especially bad. You don't see the different rock/mud/sand in the old graphic that makes it looks like a proper messy swamp wasteland, it's just a flat uninteresting dry floor with a few isolated objects in the new graphic.
  7. Or the writers aren't paid enough or given enough creativity because railroaded is the only story BS is willing/able to do now. Anri wins with that "you are the main player, I'm going to surrender" scene. Girl is the very few NPC that has a brain. Tau is too "in your face" at first but she is way better after taking Arn. I do like the call back of Krovos and Ranken if you did KDY on Imp side before (REMOVE BLACK TALON/ESSELS AND PUT KDY BACK TO THE GROUP FINDER FFS). All the 7.0 NPCs have more of a central role compared to the ones in 6.0. They steal spot lights from our player character but they don't shine at all, they are all cardboard cut dolls acting a certain cliche way without any emotional input that makes the players want to care for them. The story is also stretched too thin so those characters are even more bland. Shae acts like a headless chicken most of the time, worse of it is that we can't call her out. She could have a good character arc where she admit her lacking in leadership (even though she did hold the mandalorians together through the KOTxx crisis) and find a proper successor, but I doubt it will be done in any meaningful way or at all. Heta has a good scene at the meeting table. I like how she will stab you if you look at her wrong and she will blow everyone in the room and herself up just to make a point. But she is only your typical "militant mandalorian" after that. Malgus and Rikan are dumb and bland. The former is back to his old bullsh*t, the latter is the boring "I deserve power because I had it worse than everyone" type. Sa'har is even dumber throughout 7.0. You don't know why she did what she did in the Nul flashpoint unless you watch that promotional trailer (which no doubt costed a lot). There's zero emotional/motivational transition from just stood there among the mandalorians like a beaten up slave to suddenly wanted to "help" the player character because the story has to move on.
  8. If you have enough $$$ you can remake the whole game, but we all know this game probably isn't getting a lot of funds, never mind the often questionable decision of where the devs spend their budget.
  9. Or it just means Dark/Light sided players have the option of killing or convincing her stay and to be sit against a wall in their base like another empty vase
  10. I'm too lazy to go to PTS but are there at least some good decorations to buy? Also, the Empire probably makes better pies because "THIS PIE IS SO TASTELESS EVEN A JEDI WOULD CALL IT BLAND" *FORCE LIGHTNING THE CHEF INTO A WELL DONE STEAK*
  11. They put the remnant sets in collection because it takes up cargo space, if enough people demands it, they might do the same with fitted gear.
  12. This. You don't need gold augs unless your aim is to be the top parser. Gold augs only help when you are already performing at the best of your class and really want that boost in things like nim Gods or Dxun timers. It's ok for gold augs to be super "expensive". Implants, on the other hand... I really wish they remove the stupid 100/100 implant purchase qualification mission when a new toon reach lv80. It's pointless and idiotic. Yeah yeah you can get implants with another toon but that's an extra step that's absolutely unnecessary, just like how the hyde and seek mod unlock is toon-wide instead of legacy-wide.
  13. Generally speaking SF has the most population, hence a bigger market and more competition between sellers, you'll have higher chance to get stuffs at lower price if several sellers undercut them. I got a Hypercrate on SF for 6xx mil a couple days ago and today it's back to 7xx mil.
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