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Legacy Perk: Droid Sensor Vendor


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Why are the sensors limted to these only:

Engineering Droid Sensor
+5 Scavenging Efficiency 
+5 Cybertech Critical

Exploration Droid Sensor
+5 Archaeology Efficiency 
+5 Synthweaving Critical

Hunter Droid Sensor
+10 Investigation Efficiency 
+2 Armstech Critical

Medical Droid Sensor
+10 Biochem Efficiency 
+2 Diplomacy Critical

Scout Droid Sensor
+10 Artifice Efficiency 
+2 Treasure Hunting Critical

Security Droid Sensor
+10 Armormech Efficiency 
+2 Underworld Trading Critical


Why do Synthweavers get an opportunity to increase their Critical Chance with a droid sensor while Armormechs do not?

Please put in more sensors for more options for other crafter types.


For example:

Jaesa already gives Synthweavers a +5 to crit (she's the only companion to give such a bonus)

Ensign Temple only gives a +2 crit for Armormechs (she's the only companion to give any crit bonus to Armormechs.


All things being equal, they are not. lol

Yes, I know of the new Legacy perks, this is seperate. The Legacy perks are fair and available accross the board.

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