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Star Wars is Forever


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timeless masterclass masterpiece

timeless adventures


Every current and former Lucasfilm or every employee working on some form of star wars content should have this brainwashed into their mind

This video, this opening, this introduction to star wars from a VHS cassette tape should be required for employees to view each and everyday like a pledge of alliance to the flag before a day of school.

This introduction to the 1995 VHS trilogy, is required viewing for any fan wanting to know what to do and how to work on a star wars project.


After the introduction fan fare trailer, there is 7 minute interview with George Lucas about the making of Star Wars.


DON"T listen or take it from me, LISTEN to George.

George is alive today and moviemakers and gamemakers making star wars projects ignore George and ignore the founder's way, ignore his valuable resource and input while he's still with us. He's not decrepit, he's not decomposing, he's very much alive and just in need of work to continue his legacy. With us, For us. Ask George for help. Get his input


Please listen to the man, the myth, the founder, the maker.



for those who remember

for those who will never forget

and for a whole new generation

who will experience it for the very first time

the star wars trilogy

three timeless adventures that changed movie making forever

now the entire trilogy digitally mastered in THX

for the ultimate in sound and picture quality

this will be your last chance to own the original version of star wars

the george lucas masterpiece that launched the star wars trilogy

the force is forever

for all generations

the original star wars trilogy on video one last time


if star wars had been made about 1970's disco culture

or if star wars had been made about 1970's present day politics

would it have survived 40 years?????????????????????


please refrain from makin star wars about current internet trends or current social myths, they don't last forever, they aren't timeless


BRAINWASH yourself with this VHS intro, and become and outstanding employee, because you are on team George

Edited by Falensawino
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