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Onslaught assault on docks, broken cutscenes cut in half (ımperial side)


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I got somesorts broken views in cutscenes in onslought assault the republic fueling docks, basically last area to destroy pub ships that docked to the meksha. I also got my cutscene 8where lana chops darth sharr and other siths head) right after that moment cutscenes stops itself and I have to click the console like if its from start but its actually continues where it left off (checking in with darth malgus console on table)


so am I screwed my story progress? ı already did reset and reset local phase. did not help. I mean ı got the next mission which is objective meridian but worried about my story, is ti bugged or something,

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A cut scene is just a cinematic. What happens will always happen as there is no dialogue wheel. A cut scene can be different in that part of the story based on previous dialogue choices, but the cut scene is its own thing. As long as you're able to go onto the next quest when it's over the story choices you made should be set even if you had a cinematic glitch because the story choices is what prompted that cinematic to be shown.
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