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please advice

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please advise, no matter what choice I make my companion doesn't show me that it does not approve or approves, so I don't know if I'm doing well, it didn't happen to me before, did it happen with the new update or is the problem with me? I would appreciate any advice.
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OP, if part of the story-telling process for you is connecting with your companion in terms of your companion's approval of your actions, know that in story-related content for companions who've been written with the expectation that they will be participating in that content, you will see approval or disapproval based on your choices. This is most prevalent in the original three story chapters for all origins.


Beyond that, occasionally you'll see in later chapters approval or disapproval based on which companion you have out, but the farther away from those original chapters you get, and the more you use a variety of companions during decision making who are not originally tied to those chapters, the less often you'll see approval / disapproval prompts.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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please advise, no matter what choice I make my companion doesn't show me that it does not approve or approves, so I don't know if I'm doing well, it didn't happen to me before, did it happen with the new update or is the problem with me? I would appreciate any advice.

My first advice is to give us at least a few examples of which companion, what you're doing, and so on.


But before that, note that (warning: minor spoilers):

* When you begin Knights of the Fallen Empire or later content, (skipping past KotFE), you lose all your class companions and can later get them back via the main story (for some) or through Alliance Alerts (for others). The one you get back (and some others who "belong" to other origin stories) are *new* companions with approximately the same appearance and name, and they do not gain influence from conversations in "old" class story worlds.

* If you are playing Shadow of Revan (Rishi and Yavin) or Rise of the Emperor (Ziost), no class companion gets influence during those stories.

* Ship droids (C2-N2 and 2V-R8) do not gain influence from conversations *ever*, with the exception of a few gains when you meet them again after the beginning of KotFE.

* KotFE+ companions (e.g. Lana Beniko, Theron Shan, Koth Vortena, Senya, (someone spoilerish)) do not gain Influence from levelling-world conversations.

* Companions from late in the class story do not gain Influence from conversations on worlds early int he class story. (e.g. Elara Dorne joins you on Taris. You get no Influence with her from mission conversations on Coruscant or Ord Mantell.)

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