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[Help] Lore Video Guides and Reviews for returning players


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Hey guys, I've been away since Makeb, and a veteran WoW Player. On WoW, we have Nobbel87, that produces Lore videos recapping and reviewing the WoW Universe history before,during and after expansions, explaining character backgrounds, conflicts,anything lore-related. Do we have anyone like that for SWTOR? Considering that on Vanilla SWTOR each class had its own story + Planet Story + Side Quests, it would help A LOT to have a video recap series to help me get back on my feet on SWTOR lore.
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I don't know if there's really very many channels for lore. swtorista has a lot of helpful guides and videos, but not really about storylines and lore.


Your best resource might actually be the recap uploaded to the official swtor channel a few days ago, though that doesn't go too deeply into the class stories.

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