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Which is the most disturbing mission you've played?


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In my case, that would have to be "Subject 13", in Belsavis.



A mission in which you defeat a Rakata mind residing inside a mind trap. After that, an apprentice sent by his master appears, only to sacrifice himself and allow Subject 13 to take over his mind and body so that he can escape the mind trap. The body of the apprentice has a shock collar on, just to ensure its new host's obedience. You witness the whole scene.



I always find this mission unsettling, and yet every time i visit Belsavis with a new toon, i must do this quest. It's morbidly attractive, for some reason, even though i raeally dont do many side quests anymore, no need if you have the xp armor and whatnot.


So, what would be your pick, if you have one?

Edited by DeVanagloris
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As a veteran player of KOTOR, I always have to do the "Promised Land" quest on Taris rep side, even though it involves a lot of annoying backtracking.



Disturbing might not be the only word, but I always become teary-eyed and sad when you find out what happened to them over generations in isolation and that they basically devolved into pre-human retrogrades. The last log entry is a real downer and when the voice actor says "It was a lie" and the sober Taris theme starts playing, I choke up.



This is also one of the reasons why Taris is my favorite planet in the game and I love its map design and music. I know many hate it because of the Rakghouls and the difficult navigation through its landscape, but I love it.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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On Hutta when you get the plot to assassinate the father of a force sensitive child by the mother or you can pretend to and let them both escape. One option let’s you gun the father down in front of the kid I thought that was pretty ballsy and it’s a starter quest. Edited by Lhancelot
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Hm. An interesting question. For Troopers, it's definitely just about any mission where Garza's involved - that woman's willingness to kill innocent civilians (Coruscant), lie to allies (Nar Shaddaa), support the mistreatment of prisoners (Alderaan), abuse the soldiers under her command (Rishi) and so forth, all in the name of 'protecting SpecForce' and 'serving the Republic'... it all just, ugh...


For other classes, let's see... On the Imperial side, the Sith Warrior's arc on Taris is pretty bad - and weird -

the Republic is using the ash from millions of cremated dead as a power-source? Disgusting... the fact that taking the generals behind this prisoner is a Light Side action - and Vette approves - instead of killing them for their desecrating the dead... weird.


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Vette actually approves if you go off with her sister. Then later of course she is jealous.


I found going through KOTFE-Nathama darkside killing everybody including Theron so disturbing I'll never do it again

Edited by RameiArashi
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Vette actually approves if you go off with her sister. Then later of course she is jealous.


I was more thinking of refusing to buy her freedom after all that (especially on female as she has to do the entire crew... possibly including whatever deranged activities Jaesa had in mind)

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One of the most disturbing to me is finding the soldiers turned droids in Grathans estate on Dromund Kaas. Another bad one is the freaky guy who wants you to poison the slaves slowly and make them die in agony. Injecting rakghoul stuff into the kolto tanks on Taris is bad, too. I can probably think of more if I sit here long enough.


Sometimes I'm just baffled by the light/dark side point rewards. The end of Black Talon when you have the choice to either kill the general or take him prisoner confuses me. Killing him is the dark choice, but in my mind it's the merciful choice to NOT turn him over the Kilren. You know that guy has some nasty plans for him.

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Sometimes I'm just baffled by the light/dark side point rewards. The end of Black Talon when you have the choice to either kill the general or take him prisoner confuses me. Killing him is the dark choice, but in my mind it's the merciful choice to NOT turn him over the Kilren. You know that guy has some nasty plans for him.


Because as far as I can tell, Light and Dark are only applicable to the immediate. It doesn't matter that he's going to end up being tortured and probably die as a resut: sparing life is a light side choice. Even when it's more merciful to put the guy out of his misery.

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Most disturbing was when I found out that someone's weapon was a brain-damaged child-like force-wielding boy who can't defend himself and whom his captors must terrify in order for him to manifest his force abilities.

That is pretty bad - so bad I think I've only played through that once; I can't remember whether that's in a class story or area quest line.

The other one I find pretty disturbing is in the Warrior story where you can force Lady Renata to be taken to the filthy little pig Duke Kendoh and it's pretty obvious what he wants her for. Regardless of how dark my character is, I have never and will never choose either of the options that force her to go.

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Maybe a little bit different, but I still find the game's handling of Vette to be... eh?


Enabling a player character to ostensibly own a woman as property gets a little bit... hard for me to stomach.


I'm kinda on that same vibe. For me tho I cringe a lil bit every time I do chapter one of the Inquisitor story. As an African American who can only trace his lineage back as far as slavery, it bugs me whenever someone refers to my character as "slave".

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