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Stay Frosty Fix!!!!!


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For those of you still having troubles with stay frosty, this workaround worked for me (its a pain in the ***, but it does get it out of your logbook)


When you're doing the mission, you'll notice just before you start hitting the flame traps that the quest stay frosty updates to "dont get burned".


If you get burned enough times to fail the bonus (typically 2, but ive had more as well, may be a timer thing) but it doesnt go away, you'll note it says to "stay alert" or something, the same thing it said before you started hitting the traps.


In order to be rid of the bonus from your log, you have to travel back to the entrance of the instance, exit it, and reset the instance via the quest log reset button, not the bonus, but the instance itself, then re-enter and try not to get burned.


As I said, this is a pain in the ***, but it does work


Hope this helps some people.

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  • 4 weeks later...

As of the latest patch, I can't remember the number but the one applied on 22 February this reset doesn't work, for me anyway, when I reset the damn thing still shows.


I tried twice, resetting and not getting burned once on both occasions and still didn't get the bonus, damned bugs in this game are annoying.

Edited by Gazzaho
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  • 9 years later...

Has anyone else completed this? No one has posted it that I saw. I reset it more than a few times before I discovered what was up.

1st -- before you enter Tavus's ship, dismiss or make your companion passive for a while before you go into the maze. Again I say to dismiss companion for a little bit because they try to catch up or follow you and get you burned, which means you go back to the airlock and reset the quest to start again.

Wait for the suicide droids to get in range and knock them off one by one with single shots of the explosive round followed by a hammer shot. There are still more suicide droids as you progress but dispatch them the same way.

In the first corridor, there is a switch on a pedestal on the laser barriers. It only operates only one set of lasers. Maneuver slowly through here, disabling the obstacles.

Now we start getting to the fun.

I'm not sure on this next part but don't mess with the IFF Console Station. I don't know what it does, except it resets something (droids, I think), and your quest is hosed and will need to start again.

You then enter the next room with more laser barriers everywhere. I' don't know if there is a specific sequence, but if you move carefully, you can slide alongside the Cloaking device barrier and get to the next pedestal. You cannot disable the Cloaking Device yet, It is the last thing you do before returning to your ship. You then need to gauge the distance next to the barrier by the Device and slide along there to the other side where you again kill the droids coming after you and while disabling the laser barriers. (this part I had to go back and reset the quest a bunch before getting it right). Once all the barriers are down you go to a console for a dialogue with Tavus. Make sure your companion is back before you do the dialogue. After the dialogue, you have a fight with some Imperial team that is reported to be equal to Havoc squad.

Then you are done and go back to your ship.

Once you see the laser barrier pattern, it becomes easy as pie.

Hope this helps some of you.

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