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Tank Guardian - Focused Defence Glitch?


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Hello peoples :D


Now I will get right to the point, Focused Defence is semi-broken for me at the moment, I have been running PvE and PvP content and it will sometimes refuse to activate, then when it does, sometimes when DPS is received immediately afterwards it does absolutely nothing.


It's very noticeable during PVP at the moment in a 4v4 scenario, the ability will pop however it won't actually do anything.


Also very noticeable in TC Master Mode and I know of one other with the same issue, I did submit a bug report a while back but I haven't seen anything in the patch notes so thought I would post the info here.

Tried a new keybind, then just using the mouse to directly click the ability in the bar, no change, hard logged same thing.

Any advice would be great, Stay Awesome :cool:

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