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Please make the Ascendancy Soldier and Ascendancy Outcast sets to BoL


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Ascendancy Soldier: https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/ascendancy-soldier/

Ascendancy Outcast: https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/ascendancy-outcast/


Like the title says, I think it's pretty annoying to have to run the FP dozens of times to complete a set, which is then bound only to one character. I wasn't a huge fan of the non-transferable currency from the Umbara FP, but at least the Umbaran Guardian set was bound to legacy. This seems like a step back.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 10 months later...
  • 2 years later...
Seems like this is not on the cards EVER. pity


we can hope, and keep asking. Maybe if you know someone of influence on that discord group, you might be able to ask them to put in a nice word.



I'd also love to see another version of Ascendancy Soldier , but without the tail, just a jacket. The tail looks a bit too much like a formal outfit, not something worn every day by an offficer/soldier.

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  • 1 year later...

God I wish that these sets were BoL... I've run TATC so many times just to get these sets for my Chiss characters and sometimes you don't even get them.


Also, having a different style for the Ascendancy Outcast Chestpiece set WITHOUT the damn hood would be utterly priceless. I know you can remove it with a headpiece, but then you don't get the whole 'un-hooded' vibe to it since the hood itself disappears off the back of the armor. :(

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