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Mek Sha Story logic problem?


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Hi everybody,

lets talk about the Mek Sha Story on pub and imp.


Spoiler Alert!


I hope i understood it right:

As pub i need 3 of 5 Votes to get the fuel.

I got the Junker Jott and Huttbreaker and need either Veek or the Mandalorian.

I cant get the Vote from the brothers cause they are imperial.


As imperial i want the same thing, so why do i need the Veek or Mandalorian vote,

when the brothers could just vote for the pub?


Any ideas or am i just wrong?

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It's explained to you ingame when you ask Darth Shaar about it, why the Brothers can't vote for it. It would be very suspicious.


Yep. Their relationship as suppliers of slave labor to the Sith Empire is well known within Mek-Sha, it would look extremely suspicious for them to vote in favor of selling the fuel to the Republic.

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  • 2 years later...

Moreover, even as a dark V pub saboteur smuggler, you cannot agree in a conversation with a brother about the benefits of labor for all sorts of marginals, or even choose a neutral option, because all three answers call him an amoral freak. Why don't we have a choice? Isn't it ironic that the biolar enslaves us to answer some absurdity that THEY want us to do?

Seriously, its even worse than ossus dark jedi watering potatoes and light sith burning libraries. Ridiculous.

Edited by AmorphLex
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