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Hey guys! I have reached 50 on my bounty hunter and I didn't enjoy her at all. I guess I'm more into more dramatic, and interesting stories rather than burning things as only subject and random bounties. I got my sith inqusitor to level 26, my sith warrior to 22, my imperial agent to 13 and my Jedi Knight to 16.


Sith inquisitor: It has been pretty fun, but its getting boring. No drama fights, nothing interesting, just slow. Finding artifacts and all that, its pretty amazing so far, but lately it has been slow and I love the mechanics but meh!

Sith Warrior: I love the story, mechanics is fine but I feel weak! PvP levelling is not something to use for this class as marauder and that is negative. But the story keeps this class good for me!

Imperial Agent: I levelled my bounty hunter, rifles again and dromund kaas - balmorra again feels bad. But yeah, alot of ppl says that its worth it and IA's story will really catch up.

Jedi Knight: Tbh, I wanna be the peace-maker, a hero and so on as in KOTOR 3, but I don't know, it doesnt feel right when I play this class, I don't know! Sith catched my interest alot more.


So, this is the choices I have. Please help me and motivate me to play the specific class! have a good evening ;)

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