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Is powertech a real class?


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Surely this so-overpowered-a-lobotomy-patient-could-play-it-to-avail class is the Devs' way of trolling and not a serious example of what any class in any MMO should ever be, right?


It was already broken in 6.x, and its power ceiling only looms higher over that of everything else by virtue of how little it lost from ability pruning. The only truly difficult choice it has to make is its level 60, deciding between lower CC break CD and easier heat management. Giving up hardstun for hydraulic is basically a non-issue as carb is always a thing, and if that's not enough for you, well, somehow neural trigger is still in the game (seriously, do you devs pleasure yourselves to a Jango Fett centerfold every night!?) As if the laughably small nerfs weren't enough, PT"s straight up got a new DCD when basically all other classes got gutted in the facet of defensive viability. PT's can live nearly as long as their fellow bounty hunters and do basically twice as much damage, that's straight up wrong. Not to mention that AP can dish out 120k Crits consistently. A pull, a rooting gap-closer, an AoE slow, and an AoE hardstun, don't you think this class has more than enough s**t to keep enemies in its vicinity?


The upcoming attempt to balance this abomination of a class will not be adequate. Either revisit Powertechs with the same aggressive intent to nerf that you took to everything else in 7.0, or give back some abilities to all other classes.

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