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New SWTOR Forums are coming!


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What about polling on the launcher itself?

yep , i mentioned/suggested the same thing buried within my previous bloated reply post on page 4. :cool:


heck i mean they're testing a NEW launcher coming soon anyways

I think that's a great idea.

Although, some will believe they're being force to vote if it's something they have to do before logging in the game.


it probably will need to have happened after log in, So it can be flagged already vote. or people will just log out and in, just to vote more then once. And how will that work if a player has multiple accounts, sure one vote, for each of their account, just one person, can vote many times.


I like the idea, I think it's great, but . .

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What about allowing devs (or however it will be done) to issue badges warning of specific posts being inflammatory? (lol)

(Yea, been around long enough to know that some love to create drama lol)

Many of the features of this new platform encourages positive behaviors hence why we can award unique badges for informative, friendly, and constructive posts. The same guidelines and Rules of Conduct are still in place though! There are also other moderation tools in place to help us navigate heated topics and comments.


so we're abandoning pure forum and turning into a reddit facebook thing with curated content, curated posters. more like a steam community/ steam review marketplace with joke reviews becoming number 1 highest liked


I also do not wish to be in a shadowban firewall of china situation, where I'm stuck with all the toxic people of this game because I don't ignore anyone


remember the snowball thread that got private sectioned.

over in that thread I said

I refuse to ignore
Edited by Falensawino
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The forums are the place that we primarily get player feedback from even more so when it comes to PTS. We also gather it from a number of other places both official (social media, content creators) and unofficial (Discord, Reddit, Twitch) but the forums is the place we engage the most.


That, of course, is speaking specifically to feedback. Data, design goals, etc. are all a component of our decision making that goes beyond player feedback. These are things are working to be better about communicating as well to help drive better feedback.


Circling back to polls. If players like, or do not like something (or both), it is usually pretty apparent from the conversations around it. Polling adds little value from a feedback gathering standpoint since the "data" itself isn't usable to validate it. But on the flipside, forum-goers might take a poll as that data validation, which is only true in a vacuum. (Note from Jackie: That isn't to say that staff won't be using polls to gather snapshot insight. When we do use them for the sake of feedback, they will have a very direct and intended purpose.)


As stated above I think we can help here by being better about communicating our intent for things we do and changes we make. Along with being better about communicating what we are doing (or not doing) based on feedback.




Being able to vote on polls does seem to be a feature that the playerbase are interested in, though, so if we had the ability to do so on the launcher or even better, while ingame, that'd be the most ideal scenario.

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The forums are the place that we primarily get player feedback from even more so when it comes to PTS.




Circling back to polls. If players like, or do not like something (or both), it is usually pretty apparent from the conversations around it.


Disagree 10,000% on this. Absolutely DEAD WRONG.


Go ahead and "disagree" with the masses on here (the forums). Try it - I'll wait. If you get a response of simply "I disagreed with you", you won. More likely though you will be personally insulted, told you "don't speak for the player base" (even though they think they do ironically), told how stupid your opinion is, references to the the in-bred nature of your parental lineage, and other toxicity. So a lot of people only come here to read the dev tracker and stop. Rest is generally a rolling echo chamber and shout down match.


Honestly I find alternative channels more efficient than here. That said, I wouldn't mind polls if it was spelled out to whose opinion weighs more and you knew in advance the weight you opinion has (either via the formula or a declaration that 'all votes are equal') and the polls were from official Bioware / EA posters (and not 100+ polls a day on how much SWTOR is dying without any justification other than opinions).



Edited by Blakinik
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