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Consider avoiding putting old baseline abilities as talents unchanged


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I understand that you are trying to create a more balanced game overall and I completely understand that this might require making some skill we had before optional but the way it is currently handled usually FEELS bad.


Having a skill baseline and then having it compete with possibly better dps options just to get the same skill back feels very "they took it away only to give it as a choice", and some people seem to feel very offended as if you are trying to trick them somehow. It feels like you are losing something and gaining nothing because if you pick that old baseline skill you didnt get any new benefit, it is just your old character but you had to waste an option for it.


To fix that I would suggest when that is required to happen, taking a baseline skill and placing into a talent slot, for the skill to be buffed in some way so it is way stronger than the previous baseline.


That way it isnt the same skill, you are losing a weaker baseline and given the option for a superior new version of said skill, which might compete with some other cooler option but at least, it isnt the same old skill so if you pick it, it doesnt feel the choice is wasted as much because now you got a better version of your old baseline prunned skill.

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