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In praise of SWTOR 7.1 - Just a couple thoughts


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SWTOR 7.1 Good things


Not replacing companions with story NPC's, thank you. I've spent a lot of time with my companions, and just getting them randomly replaced by a new NPC always feels jarring.


Not having stealth detecting devices/NPC's every few meters. This is offset by folks trying to do kill X many creatures/NPC's on daily areas getting less when using stealth.


Story mission and daily missions lining up in the same areas at the same time, not forcing the story first, and then having to go back over the same area of dailies.


The use of Macrobinocular's on the Imperial side for quest content, really reduced the friction of competing for clickables, compared to the Pub side, fix three panels.


Story responses that play well to previous choices (NPC's/companions who lived, who died) and acknowledgement of having met NPC's like Talos before, it rewards playing through the older content. There are a lot of story choices in 7.1 that folks won't ever see, which is a shame, because it's great content.

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